Chapter 12

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After the small outburst, y/n sat on the floor with her arms crossed, her mood became entirely ruined. Shoya sat next to shouko while on the couch feeling guilty. It was his fault. No one else's except for maybe Uenos as well but mainly his.
Shoya glanced over at y/n, seeing her angrily staring at the screen, Yuzuru was the only one who heard what happened but didn't bring it up, it was already awkward enough. The only one who was happily watching the movie was Shouko.

The door opened after keys jingled throughout the house. All three looked over and stood up as they hid, shouko was pulled along behind the couch as the T.v. was quickly turned off.

Ms.Nishimiya walked through as she pulled her coat but glanced around "shouko? Yuzuru? I'm home!" She glanced around and walked to the living room before turning the lights on. She saw cute decorations up and raised an eyebrow "shouko what's going o-"

"SURPRISE!!" the four of them hopped out making shoukos mother jump for a moment before smiling "aww.." She smiled at shouko and Yuzuru until her eyes shifted over, her smile held on her face as she looked at y/n but immedietly fell as she saw shoya.

She crossed her arms "oh hello again."
Shoya rubbed the back of his neck nervously "h...hello.."

"Yay she likes the cake!!" Shouko and Yuzuru cheered, Ms.Nishimiya was starting to warm up to shoya, starting to see he changed but y/n was a little bit more distant through the night. They didn't mean too but her blow up made her quite upset, especially when the one in the center of it all refused to say sorry.

Ms. Nishimiya sat on the couch with presents around her. Y/n hopped up and down in excitement "open mine first!!"
Yuzuru quickly put her foot down,"hold up. We're her kids so ours go first."

Shoukos mother got perfume from shouko, a family portrait with a golden necklace from Yuzuru and shoya got her a nice top (manz has no taste😭).
Y/n got her a pin with flowers and a blue kimono for the festival coming up.
Speaking of the festival, the day was getting closer.
Y/n waved at everyone as she walked out, a smile on her face until she heard footsteps, "y/n hold up! Hey, I'm really sorry I keep messing up." He walked next to her, "you've done so much for me and I havent showed any gratitude for it."
Y/n glanced over at him, she really didn't know what to say, it's fine? Whatever? Roll her eyes and keep walking? Would it hurt him? Would it destroy the group? If she stopped talking to shoya, Yuzuru would get upset again and start making shoyas life worse again...what do i-

"Do you want to go to the festival with Me? Well with everyone else but i want to hang out with you really. I want to show you I care and that I didn't mean what I said." He grabbed her hand and stared at y/n with eager eyes, hoping she'd say yes, maybe then he'd have the clue to say sorry.

Y/n stared at him, her cheeks heating up from the small contact but then she looked away, should She? Wait, shouko said she loved him. What if this hurts her? She could never do that to her. What if they go as friends? Sure he'd spend time with her more but she'll make sure he's around shouko more.

Y/n stared at the floor, i love him. Is it enough to take things a bit higher when her friend loves him too? No, boys aren't worth it. I'll never hurt her. I never could.

"We'll go as a group alright? You can chat with me but please don't make me the center of attention. Just act normal okay?" She looked up at him, "I accept the should hang out with shouko more though, ask her what's up and know?" She faintly smiled, sacrificing her own love for her friends path to happiness. At least that's what she thought she was doing.

Shoya smiled "alright. See you on Sunday alright? Bye!" He ran off, y/n stared as he left before feeling water fall down her cheeks. Tears dripped down as she kept walking down the cold concrete with only crickets being heard. Why does it hurt so much to let him go?..

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