Chapter twenty four

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They group went back up to the road after a long time and looked around not seeing a whole like ''Guess we're farther away then I thought.'' Monte said not seeing any sign's for Arizona or any buildings. Jean sighed and kept walking, Ash looked around trying to see building's off in the distance but there was nothing ''Why can't there be a store or something, I'm so thirsty.'' Carson whinned tossing his empty bottle to the side ''There has to be a gas station over this incline.'' John stated as they walked all of them feeling the heat.

''It rain's out here right?'' Monte asked, Ash sighed stopping while he tried swallowing some saliva ''The news said it would be sunny all week.'' they looked back at him ''You've gotta be joking?'' Jean asked, Ash shook his head pushing off his knee's while they kept walking ''This isn't fair.'' Carson whinned again, they reached the top of the incline and John's eye's widened ''Please tell me I'm not imaging that.'' they all looked over and smiled before running towards the gas station they saw, they got inside and went straight for the door's in the back grabbing all the water bottle's dowing some and useing other's to drench themselves in it.

Ash giggled leaning against a wall smiling as he went down ''It's like a miracle.'' John joined him on the ground panting a bit, Monte went into the isle's smiling grabbing a bag of chip's ripping them open and started eating joining them on the ground, he passed the chip's around to Jean, John and Ash while Carson walked over to the door while water driped from his clothes and face, he looked down the road seeing that they still couldn't see any indecation for Arizona. He turned and walked over to them looking around the store ''Are we to guess where we are or does Arizona have a sign?'' he asked sitting next to Jean taking some chip's ''There's supposed to be a sign, unless we passed it.'' Jean finished chewing the chip's and swallowed.

''What if we passed it, or if we're going the wrong way now?'' Ash asked looking at them, Monte shook his head ''It's not the wrong way, we would've found that out by now.'' they looked at him wating to explain ''The singal would've died out a long time ago.'' he said getting the chip bag back ''When we get there how do we know they aren't gonna be like Monte's?'' Jean asked, looking at John ''What if they are trying to kill all the one's that even look the slightest of being infected.'' Ashton questioned bringing up a good point to them ''We'll stay off to the side to see what they do.'' John suggested looking at them leaning on the wall.

''What if that large group they talked about is closer then we think?'' Carson asked looking at him, John thought for a bit and Monte smiled ''We'll fight through them.'' they looked at him ''We fight, that's what we've been doing to get this far, we just need to fight a bit more.'' Monte stated, Ash looked down while they all started thinking, Jean then moved a bit so he could lay down, John got up and went over to the counter and went behind to look for anything to do so they weren't bored, he found a pack of cards and some magazines. He brought everything over again and sat down handing them out before opening the pack of cards ''Everyone knows how to play go fish right?'' they smiled while Ash took one of the magazines.

John gave them each five cards and scattered the remaining cars on the ground in the middle of them, Ash flipped through the magazine while they started their game, Jean turned over and opened his eye's looking at the far wall seeing a small backpack laying on the ground in the isle next to them with blood stains on it. He shut his eye's and tried not thinking about the child's backpack near to him, he rolled onto his other side and kept his eye's shut sighing out. John looked down at him while Monte got a double from getting one of Carson's cards. Jean then sat up thinking ''Why aren't we walking right now?'' he asked and John lowered the cards in his hand shielding them from Monte and Carson ''Because we need to rest.'' John simply said. Jean nodded then looked at them ''Are we rested?'' he asked and John knew why he was asking.

John glanced at the other's to make sure they were ok with walking and they all looked well enough to keep going ''Wanna go?'' he asked, they shrugged ''Your call.'' Ash stated looking at the magazine again planning on bringing them all. John nodded and the three started packing up the car's, they all grabbed extra water and packed it into their bag's before heading out the station door's and headed back down the road.

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