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It was October 31st.

After nearly two hours of Corbyn and Jack argue from the driver's and passenger seat, the group of ten finally arrived at some sort of death trap. The house was huge although it seemed as if it belonged in an American horror story.

Corbyn, being Corbyn, had done some research on their current destination a few weeks prior, informing his friends that the place was practically haunted, they all got dragged into staying the night there.

"Well happy Halloween, all in courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood serial killer." Iris said from the back seat as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

Jack looked out the window as Zoè and Zach leaned up to the front to get a better view.

"Babe, are you sure you don't want to go to a hotel tonight instead?" Zoè whined, looking over to see her boyfriend intrigued by the destination.

Corbyn took his attention from the house and smiled before leaning over to kiss her.

"Come on." He said, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the door.

She sighed and took her seatbelt, opening the door and followed behind the boys.

Only a few feet ahead, Logan stepped out of the passenger seat of Jonah's car, along with Jonah, Morgan, Mercedes and Daniel. Iris followed behind Zoè once she was out of the car, the two of them making their way to the rest of the group on the front porch.

"So what now?" Zoè asked, coming downstairs.

They had just gotten done their tour around the house, picking out rooms for the night and making sure everyone knew how to get around the place without getting lost.

"Actually quick story time." Corbyn started. " I read online that 30 years ago, in this house, a few teenagers played truth or dare for fun and the strange thing is, all but one died extremely painful deaths."

The scary thing was, he said it so casually as if it was a funny thing to announce.

"What happened to the one that survived?" Logan asked, being the only one slightly interested by her friends story.

"Oh, she was never seen again. Rumour has it, if you were to see her face, it'd haunt you forever." Corbyn said, proceeding to jump out at Mercedes, scaring her.

"You asshole!" She shouted, hitting his arm, the rest of the group laughing.

"Okay and so what are you suggesting?" Daniel asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"We play the game, truth or dare." Corbyn paused as the grandfather clock across the room chimed.

The group exchanged stares around the room but not a word was spoken.

"That was weird." Morgan piped up, interrupting the defeaning silence in the room.

"Oh, that was amazing! How'd you pull that one, Corbyn?" Jonah questioned, obviously not believing the whole haunted house thing.

In Corbyn's defence, he had never been one to go all out with pranks. The most he'd ever done was prop a bucket of water on top of the door.

"Look, think about it. How cool would it be to play the game in the house, where all hell broke loose?" Corbyn asked, rhetorically.

"To play a dumb game in a house were a bunch of people died?" Zoè raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, no thanks!"

"I'm in!" Logan chanted. "But I'm not doing anything sexual." She specified pointing her finger at the boys around the room.

"Ditto." Morgan raised her hand, making the boys groan.

"Alright, nothing sexual. Also, nothing illegal since the rentals in my name." Corbyn said jokingly, the group responding by chuckling softly.

Without saying another word Corbyn got up from his chair and went into the dining room, returning with notecards and pens.

"Okay so I have pens and cards, everyone write down some truths and dares." He instructed, handing each of his friends a card and pen.


This was
kinda boring

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