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T H I R D  P E R S O N

The room grew quiet and looks were exchanged from all around the room. Iris planted her eyes on Zach, who looked nervous.

"Uh-" Morgan stuttered, not knowing what to say.

Jack looked just as hurt and confused as Iris was.

"I did not have sexual relations wit-" Daniel started but was cut off by Morgan holding a hand up to his face.

"J-just shut up for a second, Daniel!" She hissed. "Please!"

Morgan huffed and leaned back in her seat, the room silent. The girl threw her hands up into the air, with mock surrender and sighed.

"I did not sleep with Zach." She said, matter of factly.

Just then all of their phones went off, indicating that they all had gotten a text. Looking at one another they grabbed their phones and looked at them.

'She's a LIAR!'

Jaws dropped and everyone looked up.

"This is awkward." Mercedes sang, breaking the silence, her eyes widened.

Iris looked at Zach, who was already looking at her with guilt washed across his face.

"Y-You didn't do it, did you Morgan?" Jack questioned, his voice hoarse and the tears threatening to escape his eyes if he didn't squeeze them tight enough.

Morgan's mouth fell open as she glanced between her best friend and boyfriend.

"Um." She paused, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I made a mistake." She said on the verge of tears.

Jack's head hung low while Iris looked at Zach, who was looking down.

The whole time he had said nothing. He just let Morgan do the explaining for both of them.

"When you left for New York that weekend we were at the Why Don't We house to go spend time with your family, Zach and I got drunk. We hooked up but it didn't mean anything. I promise you, it didn't mean anything. Iris you're my best friend." She started crying. "I'm so sorry." She looked over at Jack, who was now fighting back tears of his own.

"Jack, baby I'm so sorry. It meant nothing."

He remained quiet and just stared at the ground.

Iris got up from her seat and  left the room, ignoring everyone calling after her.

Zach got up to follow after his heartbroken girlfriend. "Whoever wrote that is dead."

Iris ran into the bathroom and cried, not paying attention to Zach until he walked over and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Baby."

"No!" She unhanded herself from him, pushing him away from her. "Don't touch me!"

"Just let me explain." He said as he attempted to pull her in for a hug, she pushed herself away from him once more.

"Just, stay away from me." She threw her hands, walking away from him and out of the bathroom.

Moments later, Zach walked out of the bathroom, making his way to the living room where everyone else was. On his way back he was met with Morgan, who was pacing back and forth in the hallway.

She stopped when she saw him. "Who did you tell?"

"I never said a word." He looked at her blankly.

"Damn it, Zach! Who'd you tell?" She shouted, running a hand through her hair.

Zach rolled his eyes. "I didn't tell anyone."


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