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T H I R D  P E R S O N

"There has to be a way out of here!" Jonah said as they made their way out of the kitchen. "I'll check up here."

and with that he went upstairs.

The rest of the group continued to look around the house in various rooms, trying to find an exit.

Iris and Zoè tried the front door again, even though they knew it wouldn't work. Both their phones dinged at the same time, making them stop what they were doing and look down at them.

'Finish the round!'

Iris gasped and looked up at Zoè who was already looking at her.

"Guys!" Jonah yelled, the sound of his footsteps coming back downstairs.

"What? What is it?" Corbyn demanded once they were all back in the living room.

"Did any of you get another text?" He asked, showing his phone to his friends.

The group replied with 'yeah's, glancing at each others phones, making sure they had recieved the same text.

"We have to play three rounds." Iris spoke up after realising that's how the game worked.

"Are you crazy? No." Morgan said from behind Iris making the younger turn to face her.

"Well, maybe you can sleep with the demon that's keeping us here and maybe he'll let us go." Iris snapped, making Morgan's eyes fall to the ground.

"This isn't fair." Daniel said, placing his head in his hands and sitting on the stairs.

"Not fair? It's pretty clear. You do the dare, you live. You don't, you die." Mercedes shrugged, sitting beside him.

"Well, who hasn't gone?" Corbyn asked.

"You, Daniel, Jack, Jonah, Zoè and Mercedes." Zach said, making sure he had counted everyone.

If they were going to get out alive they had to make sure thst everyone had a turn and completed their truth or dare.

"Well, the real question is. Who's next?" Zoè asked.

"Why don't you step up and go, Mamma Smurf?" Jonah mocked, his back against the wall.

"You know what? Fuck you Jonah. Your such a-" Zoè remarked.

As if by magic, Daniel's phone pinged and he looked down in horror.

"Daniel?" Mercedes questioned. "What does it say?"

"Go on the roof, whilst drinking a bottle of vodka and walk around." He spoke lowly.

"How? We can't even get out." Iris retorted.

As if on cue, the door front door opened and they all could see a ladder propped against the wall. Meaning Daniel's time had started.

Daniel's phone dinged again and him and Mercedes looked down at it.

'You have six minutes.'

Daniel tensed up and Mercedes placed a hand on his shoulder.

"H-how?" Daniel whispered, walking towards the door.

Zach automatically ran to get the bottle of Vodka he saw in the kitchen and Corbyn sighed.

Daniel stared at the ladder, the bottle of Vodka in his hands, murmuring to himself.

"Hey, listen to me!" Jack said, placing his hands on his shoulders, trying to calm the blue eyed boys nerves.

"Corbyn you're gonna help me hold this mattress and follow Daniel around." Jack said, looking at the blonde.

"Why me?" Corbyn whined, seeming just as nervous as Daniel was.

"Corbyn, shut up!" Jack screamed. " Now if this works-"

"What do you mean, if?" Daniel asked, beginning to panic.

"It should." Jack corrected.

"It should what?" Daniel questioned.

Jack sighed, making Daniel's eyes go wide. "Keep you alive."


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