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After many attempts to pry Logan from off of Mercedes' dead body, Jonah fifnally succeeded and took her to the bathroom to wash the blood from off of her.

He took off her sweatshirt, which left her in only a tank top, the goosebumps forming on her arms.

He grabbed a wash cloth, put it under the water and brought it to her skin, trying his best to get it the blood off.

Once he did the best he could do to take it off he took off his own hoodie and put it on her.

Logan didn't say a word, the tears trickling down her face silently. She was in such a shock she could hardly mange to move on her own.

"Hey." Jonah whispered, bending down in front of her.

She didn't look at him, her gaze focused solely on the mirror.

"Babe?" I need you to look at me." Jonah said, his voice still in a whisper.

She looked down at him, a blank look on her face.

"She's dead." Logan mumbled in a hoarse tone.

"You'll be okay." Jonah leant up, to kiss the top of her head. "You'll be okay."

Zoè's phone vibrated in her pocket but as she looked around she saw that no one else seemed to be looking at their phones. She pulled hers out anyway.

'Tell your boy friend your dirty secret.'

"Did anyone get a text yet?" She asked, looking up from her phone.

"No." Zach answered, looking at her.

"Why?" Corbyn asked.

"N-nothing. I was just wondering." Zoè lied.

She looked back down at her phone and sighed.

'You have 4 minutes.'

"Um... Corbyn? Can I talk to you?" Zoè asked.

"Sure." The blonde boy shrugged, following his girlfriend into the kitchen.

Zoè turned around to face him and sighed. "I have something to tell you."

"Okay, go ahead." He told her.

"You remember the day of Ashley's funeral?" She shifted. "And I told you I couldn't come because my family was out of town?"

"Yeah." Corbyn nodded.

"I lied." She looked down. "I just didn't want to go. Ashley always hated me and I hated her too. So I went to a party."

"You went to a party while the whole town was mourning my sister's death because you didn't like her?" Corbyn's jaw clenched.

Corbyn's phone pinged and he looked at it.

"The demon says that's not your only secret." He looked at her.

"I was pregnant." She whispered.

"You was what?" He screamed. "You 'WAS' pregnant?!?"

She mumbled something almost incoherently, trying not to cry. "I killed our child."


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