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T H I R D  P E R S O N

"Are you gonna behave?" Zoè asked Corbyn.

He ignored her.

"Jonah didn't purposely try to kill your sister." Mercedes said, putting her hand on his arm and he tensed.

"He still did it, though." Corbyn spat, turning to face her.

"I know it's just-" Mercedes tried but he cut her off.

"Just nothing." He muttered, walking away from her and his girlfriend.

Jonah paced up and down in the hallway as his girlfriend sat and watched him.

"I didn't mean to." He cried, continuing to pace.

"I know." Logan mumbled, looking up at him.

"I loved Ashley. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her." He said.

"I know you wouldn't." Logan commented, going to pull him into a hug.

He hugged back and cried silently into her hair. Once they pulled away, Logan guided him back into the living room.

Before any one could utter a world Jonah felt himself being pushed against the wall, an arm to his throat.

"Why?" Corbyn roared in his face. "Why'd you do it?"

"I loved Ashley, Corbyn." Jonah tried to explain. "She was like a sister to me."

"You think that makes it any better?" Corbyn yelled. "She wasn't your sister, she was mine!"

"Corbyn!" Zoè demanded. "He can't breathe!"

"Good!" Corbyn looked back at Jonah.

"I'm... sorry..." Jonah cried.

All they're phones dinged but Corbyn ignored it his glaring eyes still on Jonah.

"Corbyn!" Mercedes yelled trying to get his attention.

He ignored her and Jonah looked around for help, his face turning an unnatural colour of purple.

Jack tried his best to pry Corbyn from off of him but he couldn't do anything.

"I'm next!" Mercedes screamed with tears etched in her voice.

That's when Corbyn let go, looking at her. "What?" He asked.

"I'm next!" She cried.

Then the clock chimed and they all looked at their phones, including Corbyn and Jonah.

'Mercedes... choose who to murder in the love triangle you created for yourself.'

"Love triangle?" Zoè asked in a shocked tone as the others looked at her.

Mercedes shook her head, the tears in her eyes. "I'm in love with Corbyn."


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