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T H I R D  P E R S O N

"Come on!" Jack said, leading the others back inside.

"Jack!" Morgan exclaimed, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"What?" He spat, looking at her.

"Our friend just died." She sobbed. "Stop acting like a jerk for one minute."

"I'm the jerk?" He almost laughed. "If anything, you're the jerk for sleeping with my best friend! Zach's the jerk for sleeping with you! And the fucking psycho that has us playing his games is the jerk for murdering Daniel!" He then looked at everyone else. "So, unless anyone wants to end up like Daniel, I suggest you move your asses and get inside!"

The other 7 followed him and Morgan was left outside, crying her eyes out. She paused for a moment when she heard a notification alert. She pulled out her phone and tried to collect herself as she read the message.

'It's Jonah's turn :)'

Morgan ran inside to see the others waiting for her.

"I guess, you're next." Jack said as he watched the older boy pace around the room.

The clock chimed they all looked down at their phones.

'Tell Corbyn how Ashley really died.'

"What's it talking about, Jonah? How'd my sister really die? She died because a drunk driver hit her. That's how she really died!" Corbyn raged.

Jonah backed up against the wall and cried silently.

"Tell me!" Corbyn yelled at him.

"It was me." Jonah sobbed.

"What?" Corbyn looked confused, his hand beginning to shake.

"I-I was drunk and high. I didn't see her crossing the road. I-I didn't even know she was at the party." Jonah choked out.

"No!" The blonde boy screamed. "You told me you didn't know what happened! You watched the police arrest an innocent man!"

"I was scared." Jonah cried.

"Scared? You fucking killed my sister! I don't care if your mother was scared!" Corbyn shrieked, stalking towards the older male quickly.

"Corbyn what are you do-" Zoè paused as she saw the blonde boy sucker punch Jonah in the face.

Jonah's head turned at the connection and he put a hand to his Jaw. "I deserved that."

If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlett. Corbyn ran towards Jonah with such a force, it seemed to wind him.

"And you deserve all of this!" Corbyn cried, punching Jonah in the face multiple times.

"Corbyn stop! You're gonna kill him!" Logan shouted, trying her best to stop the blonde boy.

Corbyn rained blows onto Jonah as if he meant to smash him into the very earth he was stood on. Corbyn didn't want him dead.

He wanted him smashed, obliterated, nothing left to bury.


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