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T H I R D  P E R S O N

Logan fell to the floor as she saw the colour drain out of the two boys' skin. The hacking had stopped but both boys were nowhere near okay.

Jonah clawed at his throat trying his best to let some air come in, though his airways were quickly closing. He fell to the ground, his neck having small traces of blood due to how hard he was scratching his neck.

Zach collapsed, a white foam escaping his mouth. His body spazzed a little and he let loud yells of pain, sweat forming on his head.

After a few moments both boys were dead and the four others were left to grieve.

Tears formed in Iris' eyes but she wiped them away furiously.

She had a stern, yet sad, look on her face as she spoke. "Who's next?"

As if on cue, Zoè's phone lit up and she rushed to grab it.

'Get in the pool out back. Let's see how long you can hold your breath for. My bet is ten minutes.'

Zoè looked down at the text, thinking this wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. The other three followed her outside to the backyard.

The blue haired girl took a deep breath and jumped into the pool, her clothes still on.

"Zoè?" Corbyn questioned. "Raise a hand if your still alive."

Zoè responded by putting a hand up and keeping it there.

"You have nine minutes, okay." Iris told her.

Before any one could say anything more a mechanic sound was heard and Zoé lifted her head up from the water.

"What was that?" She questioned.

The others looked around in shock and Logan shouted. "The pool cover is coming on!"

"Shit!" Corbyn yelled. "What do we do?"

"Uhm... I don't know." Iris exclaimed, frustratedly.

"Zoè, take a deep breath for me and put her head back under the water!" Logan yelled to her. "Maybe it'll come off when your time's up."

Zoè nodded as she did so, the fiberglass cover making it's way over her head.

A couple minutes later, Zoè's hands slammed against the cover repeatedly.

"Zoè? Are you okay?" Iris questioned, hoping her friend could hear her.

The blue haired girl's fist slammed against the surface one more time before stopping completely.

The cover came off and Corbyn rushed to get his girlfriend out of the water.

He felt her pulse and there was nothing. He placed his lips to hers, trying his best to do CPR but he failed miserably. Her lips were blue and at that moment he knew it, and so did the others.

Zoè was dead.


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