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T H I R D  P E R S O N

As Iris wrapped Zach's hand up with the bandages from the first aid kit, Daniel confronted Corbyn. "You set this whole freak show up!"

He got close to Corbyn and pointed to hid face, making the blonde stand up. "I didn't do anything!"

"Yeah, well I'm not making this shit up." Zach argued, his head shooting up.

Just then the TV came on, the sound of loud static filling the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and carefully watched as the TV started to play an audio of someone talking in a low, raspy voice.

'Complete three rounds in fourty eight hours or you die!'

"Die?" Logan inquired, with an uneasiness in her voice, looking up from her seat.

Nobody knew what to do or say, until someone's phone went off, indicating that they had another text.

Everyone looked around the room to see who had gotten the text and all eyes locked on Logan. She was looking at her phone, a look of fear and disgust on her face.

"What does it say?" Mercedes asked.

She looked up, let out a deep breath, she felt the bile rise up in her throat, placing her phone back down on the table. "Break Morgan's hand."

Before any one had the time to react or say anything, the TV started counting down until it got to the number 5, the clock chiming once more.

"Five?" Morgan questioned from her seat.

"Five minutes." Zoè said in a low tone looking at Logan.

The amount of fear rose in Logan's face as the clock struck again.

"You think you can play your fucked up pranks on the rest of us?" Jonah grabbed Corbyn by the collar of his jacket.

The blonde pushed the old male off of him. "How many times do I have to tell you, asshole! I'm not doing any of this!" He began to breathe heavily. "All I did was rent this place out because I thought it would be a fun idea for us all." He paused. "I didn't write that card and I didn't set this all up. I would never do anything to hurt anyone, especially you guys."

He was right. Corbyn was the sweetest  guy ever and wasn't capable of being behind something so utterly and completely fucked up.

But if it wasn't him then who was it? And why were they being fucked with?

"Yeah, well we're out of here!" Jonah glared at the blonde before grabbing Logan's hand and walking towards the front door.

They all watched as he tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "What the hell?"

He then walked out of the living room, still holding Logan's hand, as he tried to find another exit. The others followed behind the couple before the sound of slamming doors echoes from around the house.

"What was that?" Iris jumped, grabbing on to Zach.

By now, they were all terrified and determined to find a way out. They ran to the laundry room, hoping to make it out of the back door, when there was another slamming door. The door that led out of the dining room had locked shut, locking the group inside. This time everyone began to freak out and screams were heard from everyone's mouths.

"What's happening?" Mercedes panicked, holding onto Daniel.

They all looked around seeing that none of the doors would open.  There had to be another way out.

"Windows!" Iris suddenly had an epiphany, rushing over to the dining room windows. "The windows! Try to break the windows!"

Everyone rushed around, trying to find objects he could use to break the windows.

The windows seemed to be made out of some sort of security glass and Iris ended up hurting her fist.

"Are you okay?" Jonah asked, looking at the younger girls hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She shook it off.

"We're fucked."


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