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"That was..." Iris spoke as the her and Corbyn made their way down the stairs. "Something."

Corbyn only nodded, looking straight ahead. He wouldn't be caught dead making any kind of eye contact with the girl he just slept with.

As the two made their way to the living room, the group sat in silence. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"How was it?" Logan asked out of nowhere, breaking the silence.

The group looked at her and she raised an eyebrow. "You know you all wanted to know."

Corbyn shook his head and Iris sighed, looking at him.

"Where's Morgan?" Zach asked, before Iris could answer Logan's question.

"She told you she was going to the bathroom, remember?" Jonah told the younger boy.

"I'll go look." Zoè said, getting up from her seat.

She went into the bathroom and a few moments later screaming was heard. The others followed her screams and tears where shed as they stared at the sight of their best friend.

"She didn't- did she?" Iris questioned looking down.

The teens were back in the living room and got another message.

'Zach. There are two cups in the kitchen, one is poison the other is cranberry juice.  Put on the blindfold and drink whichever one you believe is the juice.'

Zach didn't even try to protest, he simply went to the kitchen, the others following closely behind him.

The blindfold was found on a nearby chair and he swiftly put on, masking the emotion is was feeling.

"Be careful." Zoè told him and he nodded.

"You have three minutes." Logan told him, reading the message he had gotten.

He picked up the first glass and he swirled it around in the cup a little before picking up the next one. He did the same with the other before putting it back down and picking up the first once more.

Zach brought it closer to his lips and drank from it. The group waited anxiously for something to happen, but nothing did.

After a few moments Zach started coughing loudly and Jonah stared at him, going to take a drink from the cup Zach hadn't chosen.

The group's phones lit up with texts.

'Too bad they were both poisonous. I didn't tell you what kind of cranberries ;) .'


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