Chapter Three

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After careful deliberation (read: panic), Arthit came to the conclusion that the only solution was to pretend it never happened. Whether it occurred in reality or a dream was beside the point because it simply hadn't happened at all. He didn't kiss Kongpob nor had he dreamt of kissing him.

Except, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

His traitorous mind continually drifted back to the moment he pulled Kongpob to him and the thrilling rush of adrenaline and excitement that swept through him just before their lips touched. He couldn't deny the desire behind that kiss, but he couldn't make sense of it either. Kongpob was a man. Drunk or not, he'd never wanted to kiss a man before and with the way Kongpob seemed to enjoy the attention of girls, he probably hadn't either.

Arthit stopped in front of the door to his next class. More than anything, he wanted to go home, lock the door, and hide under the covers, but he couldn't miss an entire day's worth of classes just because he was embarrassed. So he went to his next class class and pretended like nothing was wrong.

But his day was fraught with uncertainty. At times he was fine; he listened to their instructors and took impeccable—albeit messy—notes on the lecture, which he let Bright borrow, like usual. At others, his thoughts wandered back to Kongpob and the kiss that didn't happen and he became tense and defensive, as if somehow someone might find out about his...indiscretion.

"Are you okay, Arthit?" Knot asked, during lunch. "You've been acting weird today. Is it because of the teachers? I'm meeting with a few of them after our last class so don't worry."

"I'm fine." At that point, Arthit wasn't sure he wanted the position back. As head hazer, avoiding Kongpob would be literally impossible.

"Are you sure? You look pale."

He shrugged, absentmindedly pushing his food around on his plate. His hand stilled when he heard Kongpob's voice nearby, talking to his friends and laughing. Laughing. "I have to go," he said, jumping up. He snatched his bag off the floor and ran off before his friends could say a word in protest.

He didn't stop until he was alone in a relatively secluded area of campus, next to a pitiful old tree that leaned heavily to its side. Panting, he put his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath. Kongpob had been laughing.

Did he tell them? Were they laughing about what happened? What if Kongpob actually told someone? What if he had already regaled his friends with the tale of how the scary head hazer was so bad with girls that he'd asked his male junior to take his first kiss? Wait, was that the reason he kissed him? Had Kongpob done it out of misplaced pity? Is that what he'd tell his friends? Is that what's they'd tell the other juniors? Was kissing even the worst of it? Or was there more he couldn't remember?

But hold on, would Kongpob tell anyone anyway? Hope welled up in his chest. Kongpob had never shown himself to be the vindictive type and Arthit hadn't done anything bad enough to warrant revenge—

"Could you stand on that table and shout three times...that you like men? After that, get down and ask about...Ten. Ten guys. Ask them if they would be your boyfriend."

Arthit paled.

"I can find a skirt for you to wear."

He groaned, covering his face with his hands. Why was he so petty? Why hadn't he listened to Knot or his uncle or literally anyone throughout the duration of his life who told him that being petty would come back to bite him in the ass? Was there anything else Kongpob might be holding against him?

"To replace my heart that was already given to you."

"Kongpob!" Glare. "Run 54 laps around the field. Go!"

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