Chapter Eighteen

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***Warning: homophobia/homophobic language***

Because he didn't want to hear a snide comment from Sarah about him being chronically late, Arthit made sure to arrive at the restaurant fifteen minutes early. He immediately regretted it and began fidgeting uncomfortably at the table, hyper aware of the bustling environment that surrounded him. It didn't bother him to eat alone at a restaurant—being alone was never the problem—but waiting was torture. Feeling bored, Arthit got out his phone and started browsing through social media. He scrolled past his friend's new pictures, liking one every so often, but stopped when he came to one of Tutah and a man he didn't recognize. Tutah had his arm wrapped around his shoulders and despite the poor lightning, Arthit could see the other man's hand on Tutah's waist.

Arthit hesitated. Tutah posted pictures like these all the time—usually in gay clubs, and this one was obviously outside of one—and he never thought twice about liking them. Nevertheless, his thumb hovered over the like button and after a few seconds, he quickly pressed it and scrolled past, scolding himself for being such a damn idiot.


He looked up just as Puen slid into his seat, grinning from ear to ear. Next to him, Sarah hooked her purse on the side of the chair and sat down, smiling politely at Arthit, which he responded to in kind.

He turned to his uncle and pretended to be affronted. "I thought we'd already gotten past you calling me Oon!"

"Right, right, I'm sorry." Puen gave a lighthearted laugh. "I can't help it. I've been good about calling you Arthit for the past year, so give me today to call you Oon."

Sarah touched Puen's shoulder and softly told him she was going to the restroom. Puen nodded, his eyes following her as she left. A few seconds after she was gone, the waiter came by and took their orders.

"What's the good news?" Arthit asked, after the waiter left.

"Before that." Puen straightened in his seat. "How are you? Is that junior still giving you trouble?"

Arthit laughed nervously, his cheeks and ears burning up. "A little..." He paused, considering his options, and wondered if he could ask for Puen's opinion on his situation without revealing that it was about him. His jaw tense, Arthit decided against trying that. It'd be too obvious. Puen would see past his fib in a millisecond. He forced himself to smile. "I've been great. Hazing is almost over and I feel like I did pretty well on my midterms. But seriously, bro, tell me what's going on. You made it seem like it was big news."

"I will, in a second. When Sarah comes back, though. We should tell you together."

Together? Puen's gleeful countenance had Arthit burning with curiosity, but he didn't press his uncle further, knowing he had already made up his mind to wait until his wife returned. The truth was, Arthit didn't like nor dislike Sarah—she was a decent enough person, but they'd never grown close and he felt mildly uncomfortable around her. She didn't seem to like him much, honestly.

She came back about the same time their food arrived, and the moment she sat down, Puen took her hand in his and placed it between them on the table. "Oon, we haven't told anyone else this, because we wanted you to be the first to know." Puen's eyes flickered to his wife and they shared a smile. "We're expecting."

"Expecting?" Arthit tensed. "You mean a baby?"

Puen nodded, squeezing Sarah's hand. "You're going to be an uncle."

"Cousin, actually," said Sarah.

Arthit didn't know how to respond. After years of struggling with fertility issues, his uncle, who had always dreamed of having children, was about to become a father. Arthit should've been happy for them. This was, after all, a joyous occasion. A new life, a child, was about to join their tiny family.

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