Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Kongpob meant everything he'd said on the bridge, and as he walked beside Arthit—his adorable head hazer and boyfriend—his heart swelled with happiness and love. He frequently snuck glances at the other man and purposely brushed their hands together every so often as they walked, which, to his delight, caused Arthit to blush every single time it happened.

"P'Arthit, let me walk you to your door," Kongpob said, bumping their hands together again.

"Kongpob!" Arthit blushed furiously. "I'm not a girl. You don't need to walk me home."

"But what if I want to?"


"Pleeease, P'?"

Arthit pressed his mouth into a thin line, his cheeks a deep crimson, and kept anxiously shifting his eyes back and forth from Kongpob's face to their dorm buildings, as if it he didn't know what to do. After a second, he muttered, "Do what you want," and sped off toward his dorm, basically leaving Kongpob behind.

Elated, Kongpob laughed and hurried after him. He didn't want this night to end and, frankly, Kongpob was mildly afraid to let Arthit out of his sight. What if he changed his mind again? Kongpob couldn't shake the memory of Arthit sobbing next to him, terrified and shaking, barely able to breathe through the panic that gripped him after their kiss last week. He didn't know what exactly had frightened Arthit to the point of a panic attack, but he doubted that the underlying cause had suddenly gone away or been resolved, and it scared him to think that Arthit might shy away from their relationship again because of it. After all, Arthit was a master at avoiding situations that made him uncomfortable.

Hopefully, in time, Arthit would confide in him about the situation, and in doing so allow Kongpob to be there for him. However, that would take time and for now, Kongpob simply wanted to get to know Arthit better and build trust between them.

Kongpob followed Arthit into the building, and smiled when the other man glanced back as if to verify that he was still there. Adorable. Did he think Kongpob would bail on him? "Wait, P'Arthit," said Kongpob, when he noticed him heading straight for the stairs. "Why don't we just take the elevator?"

"Damn thing's broken."

"No, it's not. Look." He gestured at the fully-functioning elevator. "They must've fixed it."

"Finally!" Arthit abruptly changed course and pressed the up button. The elevator doors opened and they walked in. "It's been forever, I swear. Remember when I hurt my legs? Getting up the stairs was a bitch, let me tell you."

Kongpob reached past Arthit and pushed the button for the sixth floor. "I remember," he said, smiling at the memory. "You were cute that day."


"What? It's true. But, next time you're sick, please let me take care of you. I'll worry otherwise."

"I can take care of myself..." grumbled Arthit.

"I know. But do it for my sake, please?"

"If you bring pink milk, maybe."

Kongpob released a short laugh, shaking his head lightly in amusement at his boyfriend's silly demand. Of course he'd bring him pink milk. Actually, Arthit didn't need to be sick for Kongpob to buy him his favorite drink. He'd do it just because he wanted to.

The elevator dinged when they reached the sixth floor, and soon enough the two of them were standing in front of Arthit's dorm.

"Well, we're here," said Arthit, awkwardly. "You can go now."

"Since it's not too late, can I come in? I don't want to go home yet."

Arthit frowned. "Why?"

"My boyfriend's not there."

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