Chapter 6

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Halloween was slowly approaching and everyone was excited. On Halloween night a ball will be held for all seventh year students along with the boys at the Camelot College.I wasn’t really that bothered with finding a date and therefore be going by myself. Of course my friends would all be there and I would join them but they all had someone to go with. I would be going home the this weekend. Fluer told me that we had to visit Madam Malkins to get a dress. Plus I could talk to her about these feelings I was having towards a certain person.

It was evening time and I was just making my way towards the dinning room when I was stopped by Rowena and her gang. She roughly grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to her favourite spot to hit me. She slammed me to the ground “Why haven’t you left yet" she yelled then picked me in the stomach. I didn’t say anything knowing if I did it would make things worse than they already are.

I sat there crying. I had to release the anger that was boiling inside me. I’ve had enough. But I couldn’t report it to a teacher. With the anger me I through the first thing I could find “Freya Evergreen detention NOW" Miss Hardbrooms voice boomed down the corridor. I didn’t say anything and just stood there before making my way towards the potions classroom. I didn’t bother knocking before entering the room “you should knock before entering a room Miss Evergreen” you could tell she was angry and tried her best not to lash out at the student “seriously you can’t do anything right" she comment. Something ticked inside Freya “you don’t have to keep reminding me” she yelled out “Freya Evergreen” the teacher yelled by the disrespect she was receiving “you’d do well and remember who your speaking to" it was like Freya wasn’t listening “what’s the point in trying anymore if no one will take me seriously. I do try you know” she yelled again. Miss Hardbroom went to reply but didn’t have the chance “if I can’t do anything right why don’t help me, isn’t that what teachers are for” she sobbed before falling to the floor. Her arms wrapped around her legs as she broke down even harder.

Miss Hardbroom didn’t know what to do. Never before had she had to deal with situations like this. Although she didn’t understand why someone like Freya would ever break down like this. Yes she’s not the best student but she always had a cheerful smile on her face. Without thinking she tried to comfort the girl not expecting that she would tightly hold onto her. Within seconds she transported the both of them to Miss Cackles office. Glad that she was already there “Hecate I wasn’t expecting to see you” she said taking of her glasses “well I didn’t know what else to do” she said before mentioning to Freya. She sat there silently crying. A frown showed on Ada's face and Hecate know that there was something she wasn’t telling her “Ada I must ask what did the two of you talk about on the first day of term" her face was stern and Ada couldn’t help the sigh “we must summon her mother at once. Explain what’s going on” Hecate said as Ada stayed quite “I’m afraid that won’t b able to happen" her voice change “Ada you must explain what you mean” Hecate was confused “Freya lost her mother over the holidays” Hecate was taken aback not knowing how to reply “it’s no surprise that our dear Freya broke down. I’m surprised she went this long" Ada continued “what do you mean?” Miss Cackle again sighed “She blames herself for her mother’s death. She told me she could have prevented what happened but didn’t know the spell to do so” Hecate looked over at the lifeless girl in the office before turning back to Ada “what do we do now. How can we help her" she asked “and why didn’t you inform the other teachers” she asked “Freya made me promise not to tell anyone. She didn’t want to be pitied” Ada replied. It was Hecate’s turn to sigh thinking of what she could do to help her. It wasn’t long before she remember what the girl said about getting help. As her mind was now set it brought her back to a few weeks before seeing the reaction Freya had as she had her teachers approval with her work. She wanted that girl to come back.

Ada was over beside Freya trying to get a word out of her but the girl wasn’t having any of it. Hecate wanted to comfort the girl but didn’t move knowing if she tried that she would only be pushed away “I’ll take her to her room to rest” the headmistress said “why don’t you go to the dinning room for supper and we can talk afterwards" Hecate nodded before transporting herself away. Upon taking the girl to her room she looked around the small place. There wasn’t really much personality to it unlike the years before “I know your going through a lot right now Freya” she began “so that’s why I’ve decided to send you home for a few weeks” that made her come to her sense “but I’ll miss a lot” she said to the headmistress “dear one you need time to properly grieve you loose and process what’s happened” she paused “How about this you take the next few weeks off and be back for the Halloween dance” Freya looked up at Ada “Is that a deal” she asked “yes deal" Freya replied with a small smile.

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