Chapter 15

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Christmas went by agonisingly slow and I was glad to be back at Cackles. I stayed in my room most of the day to avoid talking to anyone. It was almost nine and the lights would soon be out for bed. I sat by my window with a book in hand but not much reading was done. The letter from the ministry arrived a week after everything happened to tell us that the case had been reopened because of the evidence that was given. Harry became acquainted with Fluer and I. Excitement to know that he had other family members that were like him. He told us stories about how he grew up under the staircase. How his Aunt and Uncle lied to him for eleven years about his parents. I felt a connection to him as I had a similar situation but knew that mother only did it out of love "lights out girls" the voice of Miss Hardbroom interrupted me from my thoughts. It was hard not seeing her today knowing that she was so close.

The minutes went by before I snuck out of my dorm. Making sure no one else was walking around I began in the direction of Miss Hardbrooms Chambers. This may be a daft idea but I just wanted her. Being careful walking down the corridors I turned in her corridor stopping once I reached her door. Not sure whether I should knock or go straight in I waited for a few minutes. Reaching for the handle and gently opening it I slipped through with no idea what to expect "WHAT DO YOU...Freya" the butterflies returned upon hearing my name "sorry I didn't mean to. It's just, I don't know" I blushed for not being able to form a sentence "it's ok" you could feel the awkwardness since we hadn't talked for a few weeks "come now, don't just stand there" she said. Walking further into the room my legs were failing to cooperate by how nervous I was. Standing in front of her I couldn't help it and hugged her taking her by surprised. I sighed from the contact "I've waited two weeks for this" I told her "I must say Freya Evergreen you've been very bold lately" Miss Hardbroom said "but I like it" my hold on her torso tightened once she said that. Arms wrapped around me "I too have been waiting for this" the voice was soft and I was still not used to it. I closed my eyes leaning into the contact "you're freezing" looking up once the contact was broken I was pushed towards the bed. What is happening? I thought as I sat on it. Before I knew it I was being wrapped in the blanket and told not to move "You need to take care of yourself or else you're going to get ill" I frowned "I don't feel cold" I said watching her "well drink this then off to bed" she handed me some tea and I silently drank it "Miss Hardbroom" I called to get her attention. She turned "what is it?" She asked. Placing the teacup on the side I started to fiddle with my hands "What do you think of me? I mean I'm completely useless when it come to magic" I asked "dont talk like that" she said talking a seat on the edge of the bed beside me "I want to ask you something and I want you to really think about it" I nod my head "did you ever struggle at school before Cackles?" I though about it. Thinking back to the non magical school and all the times I was made fun off "I guess" I watched and saw that she wanted me to explain "I was always the slowest person in the class, finishing last an all. It took longer for me to learn how to read. I felt stupid" Miss Harbroom took my hand in hers "you're not stupid. Never say that about yourself" she told me "believe it or not you are quiet a smart person" I raised a brow at her "I dont understand" I said.

Miss Hardbroom sat there for a minute trying to find her words "I can't prove this but I believe you may have some learning difficulties. It's nothing to be ashamed off and you can get the help you need if that is the case" I wasn't sure what to think "What makes you think that?" I asked "a few weeks ago you said something that made me question this but I can't say that it's true without any proper testing" she said "then get me to do this test" I blurted "at this point I'll do anything that will help me" I admitted. She smiled before leaning and gently kissed my forehead "I'll speak with Miss Cackle in the morning" she said. I leaned back on the bed, our hands still entwined "now I believe there's something on your mind" and so I began to tell her the story of what happened over the Christmas holidays. She listened carefully without interupprting me until I was finished "well that is some story and I'm sure everything will be fine, you shouldn't worry to much" she told me "I know It's just so much to understand in such a short amount of time. I need to get it out there" I said "I'm not sure how I can help but I'll be there if you need to talk" I smiled "thank you" I said "now of to bed with you. Classes start tomorrow" she helped me out of the bed and placed another kissed on my forehead before sending me on my way.

The next morning I went down to breakfast and joined Emily at the table. The others had yet to come down "how was your Christmas?" She asked "'it was great I met a whole bunch of family. How was yours?" I asked "I walked in on my parents while they were at it" she shuddered at the memory and I couldn't help but laugh at her actions. The others soon joined and began talking about their holidays. After breakfast I made my way to class. I went to speak with Miss Cackle first and told the others I would join them in class. Updating the headmistress on the events that happened during the two week break she gave an encouraging smile and told me that everything will work out.

On my way to class I was cornered by Rowena "see you haven't left yet" she commented "go away Rowena" I really didn't want to deal with her "How dare you" she exclaimed lifting her hand to me. I backed away. The slap came hard making me stumble back hitting my head on the stone wall, hard. Glaring at me "I should just get rid of you myself" her voice was hard and sent a shiver down my back. Turning she stomped of to class and I soon followed to first period with Miss Drill.

It was hard keeping my eyes open and all I wanted to do was sleep. My head hurt and the brightness of the day was harsh to my vision. We where practicing for our upcoming flying exam where we would be examined on our flying and broom care, how well we can perform with our cats. It wasn't that hard. Well that's what I keep telling myself "ok Freya you're up next" Miss Drills voice rang. Commanding my broom up I placed Snowshine on then mounted myself onto it. Again I started to feel dizzy and was finding it hard to concentrate so I had to go back down. I don't even make it fully of my broom before I collapsed onto the ground.

Waking up my hand reached for the sore spot on my head. I hissed at the sharp pain from the movement "thank goodness you're awake" my attention was on Miss Hardbroom upon hearing her voice "What happened?" I asked still a bit fuzzy with everything "You seem to have a concoction but that isn't why you passed out" she started " then why?" I just wanted to know what's wrong with me "exhaustion and lack of food" I frowned "What's going on Freya" I began to panick "I swear it wasn't intentional. I know I was doing well but then it wasn't" Miss Hardbroom was soon at my side "there's no need to panick. I will make you a potion to help you sleep and for the pain but you have to promise me you'll eat" I nod my head "I promise" it came out as a whisper " good, now you stay in bed and rest I will come back at supper time to check in on you" once she left I began to think about us. What out relationship is. Iran we've kissed and I have told her I wanted to be with her but she hasn't said anything from that night. It's all just one big puzzle.

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