Chapter 5

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She didn’t expect it to be honest. Not until she was backed into a empty storage room by Rowena and her gang. All four girls weren’t the nicest to the pupils at Cackles but in front of teachers they were the sweetest and an ‘excellent example’ of what the Academy was. She was pushed back and tripped to the ground. Laughter filled her ears  before the hitting started and spells were cast upon her. If Fluer ever found out about this she wouldn’t be aloud to step foot into the school again. It was the weekend therefore she didn’t have to worry being late to class. Although she wish she could say that it’s never happened before. She didn’t know how long they were at it before one final kick to the stomach made her spit out blood. The girls walked of without a care in the world. Like nothing happened in the first place.

Upon reaching her room she locked the door and flopped onto her bed. Everything hurt and she just wanted it to stop. She would tell her friend that she came down with the flu and that she just needed to rest for a few days without any disturbances. She didn’t bother going down for dinner, or light a candle and do her homework, she didn’t bother getting out of the bloody cloths and bathe. She simply curled up in a ball with her beloved cat snuggled up against her. Truth was Freya hated the dark but she still didn’t move. 

As the weekend came near to an end Freya decided she had enough being locked away in her room. It was early an again no students were up. She bathed, brushed her hair and hid the marks and pretended nothing had happened as she made her way to the cafeteria. Again no students filled the room apart from one person seated at the teachers table. Miss Hardbroom looked up after taking a sip of her tea to see yet again Miss Evergreen at breakfast before the rest of the students “Miss Evergreen good to see you’ve joined us for breakfast this morning” Freya jumped not expecting the teacher saying anything. She placed her bowl on the table before turning in the teachers direction with a smile on her face “yes Miss Hardbroom, just a cold. Gone now though” she said before sitting down “Good. It wouldn’t look well if we missed classes at the start of the year would it” Miss Hardbroom replied “no Miss Hardbroom” the tension began to build as the girl silently ate her breakfast and waited for her friends to come down.

Her friends began to talk about Halloween. It was Freyas favourite holiday since as long as she remembers although her mother never took her out or aloud her to go trick or treating. A frown came upon her face as she thought of her mother. Every year she would make a wish and tried to be good so that her mother would take her out to places. It was true that they didn’t have a lot of money but they got by. She was never taken to the park or aloud to go near it. Mother said it was a safety hazard. Hospital meant more money being spent. Don’t get me wrong my mum loved me, really she did. I was her baby girl and would always protect me. But she struggled. Being a single mother with a low paying job, living in a one bedroom apartment wasn’t what she wanted. When she found out about Cackles she was so happy for me. A free education and knowing I would get properly fed with three meals everyday her worries for me began to simmer down. I began to fill out to the proper weight a girl my age should be. I looked more healthier. We began to enjoy the summer holidays more and spend more time together as a family.

Then I met Fluer. I didn’t want her to know the struggles we went through and I didn’t want her to feel sorry for us. So I always put mum in a good light. Fluer was so excited to meet her. We planned it so that when we where eighteen we would be introduced to the other parent. That would have been in a few weeks “excuse me” I said as I stood from the table “is everything alright” Claudio asked. She was a small girl. With light blonde hair and amber eyes. Light freckles scattered her face and a bright smile was always on show “yes I just need a moment to myself" I said before exciting the dinning hall. In the bathroom I turned on the tap and splashed my face with cold water. Keep them tears away, your stronger than this I told myself. Drying of I excited the bathroom and made my way to my bedroom to gather what I needed for my first class. Flying.

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