Chapter 14

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Daniel stared at his daughter not believing the words coming from her mouth. The grandmother sat in her chair wide eyed and mouth open "darling please tell us what you know" another woman asked. She had the same colour hair as my dad with matching eyes, I assumed she must be my aunt. I thought for a minute looking at all the faces in the room "I will speak" I started "But only when Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom are present" murmurs began to fill the room as my father came up beside me "Freya are you defiantly sure about this?" he asked "Of course, mother has been guilty for a crime she did not commit and I have proof that she didn't" I told him "ok then" he said. Fluer went of to write to Severus for help and explain the situation.

Soon Severus Snape entered the room using the flow system. He wiped away the ash that managed to get on his robes then moved out of the way and behind him stood one nervous Neville Longbotttom. Fluer took Severus of to another room leaving Neville stranded by himself. I made my way towards him giving a warm smile "It's nice to meet you. I'm Freya" I introduced myself "nice to meet you although I still don't understand why I'm here" he said "all in good time Neville" I said before turning to my father "any word on Harry?" I asked "He should be here soon" I nod in understanding "excuse me for a minute" I said before leaving and heading for my bedroom. Just needing a little space with everything that was going on. I sat on my bed letting Snowshine lay on my lap, purring away as I pet her. The minutes went by slowly and I began to chew my bottom lip. A knock soon sounded on the door, getting up I went to open it to find Severus standing there "Fluer sent me to let you know Harry Potter is waiting downstairs" he said "thank you" I told him "I'll be down soon" I said. He nodded his head before turning and walking of. Closing the door I went to gather a few things and placed them in my pocket. Slowly making my way downstairs I began to think about what I was going to say. How it was going to lay out. Oh what have I gotten myself into?

Harry Potter sat on one of the singular chairs. A cup of what I assumed was tea sat in front of him "You must be Freya, nice to meet you" he said standing from his position "you to, your probably wondering why you've been asked to come here. Don't worry everything will be  explained shortly once everyone else joins us" I said taking a seat beside him. Father entered with Severus by his side talking but I couldn't see Fluer about "is everything ok. Where's Fluer?" I asked "she'll be just a minute she's just in the kitchen" dad said. As we waited for Fluer I turned to my dad "I'm not sure what to do" I said "I mean where do I start?" I questioned. Dad took my hand in his "don't worry you'll do fine" I gave him a soft smile.

Everyone was on edge and it was beginning to get uncomfortable "I can see that some of you are desperate for answers and I'm here to answer them" I said to the small crowd "Why do you think you mother isn't a killer?" The hateful voice of the woman earlier asked " May for once can you be quite" Donna my auntie shot to her. Donna introduced herself earlier and told me she was on the same page. That she knows my mother's innocent "May is right how can you prove it?" the grandmother asked "for the past few weeks I've been doing my own research on the events of October 31st. My mother had no reason to hurt the Potters especially since they where family" I didn't get to continue as someone interrupted me "what do you mean family" a blondish haired man asked. He was on the taller side and held himself well "I was getting to that" I snapped not really meaning to "anyways my mother is James Potter half sister" I said "sister?" questioned the grandfather "yes they found out in there last year of school and kept it secret from everyone" I said "thats a lie it can't be true" May exclaimed "it is true and my mother sent a letter to the Potters days before it happened, telling them they where in danger" I told everyone "and where is this letter you talk about" the grandmother's voice came. Her face showed no emotion. I went into my pocket and picked out the piece of parchment "mother made sure no evidence of their relationship was left behind so she took the letters they shared" I said unfolding the parchment and began to read the words on it.

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