Chapter 26

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The fire had already been lit. It's glow heating up the small cottage before they arrived "what are you doing?" Hecate questioned as Freya fumbled about in the bathroom. The younger girl demanded that she stayed in the bedroom to wait for her "I told you it's a surprise" she answered. It feels like they've been going over this for ages but in reality it's only been a mere five minutes.

Minutes later she finally left the bathroom and stood at the door. Hecate gulped as she watched the younger girl "I saw the looks you had the night I wore this" she said the familiar green fabric flowing around her "I never really understand until recently" taking a step closer, slow and teasingly "you're going to be the death of me" the potions teacher muttered. Freya grinned "I was so angry with myself by the thoughts that ran through my mind that night" Hecate admitted "and what thoughts where they?" Freya reached her hand over to release the dark brown locks from it's signature bun "there all better" she said smiling down at the dark woman. Hecate took hold of Freyas waist pulling her down on top of the bed "you're such a tease" Freya giggled at the comment "but I love your reactions. Who knew that the strict potions teacher had this side to them" the older growled as her hair fell around them like a curtain.

There lips finally connected after weeks without contact. It was deep and passionate. Moments went by before Hecate broke it, placing kisses down her neck and on her collarbone. Freya moaned loudly but she didn't care this was long overdue. Hecate held herself up on her hands as she looked down at the girl. Her big doey eyes looking back up at her "What?" Freya asked wrapping her arms around Hecates neck "I've missed you" a grin spread on the girls face "and I you" she sat up to kiss her "But I believe we are very overdressed right now" Hecate agreed and it wasn't long before there clothing was discarded on the floor.

Freya knew she was alone in bed the neck morning. Stretching her body she let out a yawn then slowly opened her eyes "good morning sleepy head" she jumped at the sound of the other woman's voice. Hecate sat on a chair on the other end of the room. A small table was pushed up against the wall with a tray of tea "I've made you breakfast" Freya couldn't say anything. She was still exhausted and words just wouldn't process. A smirk played on the teachers face at the reaction "I see you really enjoyed yourself last night" a blushed splashed over her face "it would seem so" she managed to croak out "drink this it'll help you" Hecate said walking over to her and handing her a teacup "it tastes so good" she said taking a sip of the warm liquid "I thought you might like to take a trip into town today but only if you can manage" Hecate said "of course I'd like that" the teacher smiled "good now finish that and eat something then we can get ready" Freya nodded then took another sip of her flavoured tea as she watched Hecate leave the room. Last night was amazing. Yes they've done it a few times but nothing compared to the night before. Eating the breakfast that Hecate made she took a sip of water to clear her month.

Putting both feet on the ground she got out of bed. The cold hitting her despite the fire that's been lit. Pulling on a green knitted jumper and a pair of cost jeans she put on her shoes and went downstairs "It's seems to have really snowed last night" she said interrupting Hecate from what she was doing "yes so make sure you wrap up today. We don't need you getting sick" Freya nodded. Sitting at the table her familiar jumped up on her lap "Alright you" she laughed at her behaviour "looks like someone's jealous" the cat looked up at her and let out a meow then rubbed it's head against her chest "good girl" Freya coed "I'll get you something when we're out" she said petting the familiar.

Wrapping up in her coat and earmuffs she put on her hat and scarf and waited for Hecate "Morgana seems unsettled. Hopefully all is fine when we get back" nodding they finally left to go into town. It wasn't busy only a few families out with their children preparing for Halloween night. The excitement of the child as they ran ahead to the shop as their parents laughed or told them off "do you ever think about having children?" Freya asked taking Hecate by surprise "It's not something I've thought about but maybe someday once we settle down. Have you?" Hecates reply made her warm inside "I want children but it's the whole going birth thing that I don't want to do" she heard a small laugh from the teacher "It's not funny. I've really thought about it you know" Hecates arm snaked around her waist pulling her closer "there are other ways. We can always adopt" her face lightened up at that "that's brilliant" she exclaimed "come then why don't we do our shopping and we can finish this conversation later" Hecate felt like there we a few small things the girls mother didn't get to talk about before her tragic death. But right now wasn't the time to talk about it. She would wait until they're back in their home.

Their home. She smiled at the thought. Everything was perfect. But not all good things came smoothly. It was something both women were not aware of. That trouble was just around the corner.

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