Chapter 18

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Three hours left. And one exam to go. Taking a deep breath I looked out my window. A mug in hand with steaming hot cocoa. It always seemed to help me stay calm. In a few weeks time I'll finally be away from here. Tomorrow I will be taking my final exam of the year. Then freedom. A knock sounded at the door, lifting my head up and looking in their direction I saw Hecate standing there. Smiling when I saw her with tired eyes showing how exhausted I was "you should be in bed little one" I set my mug down and got up "I know I just can't seem to sleep" I told her. The nightmares had stopped months ago but every now and then they do want to creep back to me. I'll toss and turn in bed to the point where I just decide to get up. We embraced each other like we have so many times before. Her chin resting on the top of my head "I think I did well in my exams today" I told her "good. You've came such a long way and I couldn't be more proud of you" I smiled at the praise I received from my woman "Come now I'll stay with you until you fall asleep" I followed her to the bed. Our hands entwined. I couldn't be more happier than I am when I'm with her.

Summer soon came to us and I was ready to leave for the cottage. I stayed with dad and Fluer for the first couple of weeks. My aunt was there and was excited to see me. We went out for lunch, just the two of us. She wanted to get to know me more and I was glad that I had someone else to call family. The grandmother still turned her nose at me but my grandfather is starting to accept there's another Evergreen child in his family. I met a few cousins I didn't get to see at Christmas. All boys might I add. Now that I think of it Fluer and I are the only girls. At least there won't be any drama. After lunch with my aunt we went shopping. Entering different shops until we spotted one that was filled with cute clothes and undergarments. She squealed and I was taken aback. I've never actually heard her squeal before. She grabbed me and pulled me into the direction of the clothing shop. Looking around the racks there wasn't much that I picked out "I've started dating recently," she admitted a small blush creeping up on her face "no one knows and I'm not sure if everyone finding out is something I want" she frowned "and why's that?" I questioned "people believe he's pure evil but he isn't. He was forced to do the things he did" she sighed "if you love him it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It's your life not theirs" I told her as I picked up a lacy black dress with light pink trimming "you know what your right I shouldn't" she smiled and I returned it before going of and trying on the dress. 

With four dresses in a bag we went for ice cream that suited the July weather. Sitting down on a bench in the nearby park "we went to school together you know" she began "two houses that always hated each other but that didn't stop me for having feelings" I couldn't help but smile as I knew the feelings she was talking about "how did the two off you get together?" I asked "it was just before Christmas when we bumped into each other. Since then we kept seeing each other everywhere we went. From then we started to form a relationship" a huge smile was spread across her face "Have you ever been insecure when you're around him?" I asked "oh of course" she exclaimed "but once he found out about them he told me I should never be ashamed. That he loves everything about me. What's this about anyway?" she asked me "ah... It's nothing" I tried to laugh it of but you could hear the nervousness of it. She didn't push any further sensing my discomfort.

After that day things went by slowly and the next thing I knew Hecate would be meeting me soon. I was excited. Nervous even though I shouldn't be. Emotions running all over the place and I just needed to collect my thoughts, calm down a little.  We only sent a few letters to each other and it amazed her that this was how I contacted people. Even though she preferred the traditional ways she never used owls before. The last one was around two weeks ago by her telling me the time and place we would be meeting. In less than an hour we will be together again. My bags were all packed and the only problem was my cat. The little ball of white was really not happy about being put in her basket again. I tried giving her treats but still she wouldn't come out from under the bed "come on little one we're going to be late' now I could always use magic but I don't want to force my familiar to do something. I mean I wouldn't want to be placed in there either "you'll get to see Morgana" this spiked an interest for she slowly made her way out from under the bed "good girl" I whispered giving her the treat. She began to run herself against me so I began to pet her "now we should be going" I said picking her up as I started to stand.

In the kitchen Fluer and dad gave their farewells. Aunt Donna gave me a tight hug, whispering in my ear that I shouldn't worry about anything "Don't worry i won't give up on myself" I told her. She rubbed my back before letting go "Have you got everything?" Dad asked "yes I've checked three times already" I admitted giving everything a quick check again  I will be transporting to the location which is a lot easier that trying to fly with everything "Are you ready snow?" I asked picking her basket up a small meow came from her and I was off.

Upon arriving I slightly tumbled with my footing. But nothing was new there. After getting my balance I began to search for the familiar black figure. And there she was standing straight as a statue. Her backed turned to me. Silently making my way towards her a twig snapped under my foot. She turned a smile spread across her lips "Freya" I put my things down before wrapping my arms around her without a second thought. Laying my head on her chest I took a deep breath. I missed this so much.

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