Chapter 7

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The first week went by quickly and it was now the middle of the second. Freya had spent most of her time sleeping in her bed or crying, not talking to anyone. Her dad as well as Fluer began to highly worry about the youngest Evergreen. “What can we do. She doesn’t eat and stays in bed all day" Fluer questioned to her dad. He sighed “we need someone to help us. Someone who’s been through a similar situation to talk to her” he said. Fluer sighed she hates seeing her sister like this and not being able to do anything to help.

At dinner time Daniel brought a tray up for his daughter. Hoping, just hoping she would eat something. Knocking on the door he waited patiently for a reply. It wasn't until the second knock that he heard the soft 'come in' from the other side. Daniels frown deepened when he entered the room. The curtains where closed and only a small candle was lit by the bedside. The girl was laying in bed with the covers tightly wrapped around her. Tear stains were visible on her pale skin that looked very unhealthy by the lack of food and water. He sat beside he on the bed "please eat something Freya?" He only but asked softly. It took her a moment to respond. Looking up at her dad she could see the heartbreak and began to feel guilty.

She did this. He's feeling like this because of her. Finally sitting up she took the tray from her father "thank you" it came out almost like a whisper but Daniel heard it. The smallest of smile appeared on him as this was some sort of improvement.

Ten minutes went by before she took the final bite of her meal. After avoiding food for so long it was hard to digest everything "We're going into town tomorrow. Come with us, the fresh air will do you some good" her dad said after placing the tray on the bedside then facing her. Thinking about it long and hard she finally agreed to go.

Waking up the next day Freya felt a little happier. The bath from the night before was amazing. Feeling fresh and clean in a set of new bedsheets was the best feeling. Changing into her clothes and taking her hair she left her bedroom for the first time in days. Quietly making the short distance downstairs she could see her  dad reading a newspaper at the table. Fluer had yet to appear so Freya took a seat beside him. Upon hearing movement Daniel put down his newspaper to find Freya beside him "morning hun" he said. Freya looked up at him and smiled.

Fluer soon joined them at the table. Happy to see her sister there she couldn't help but give her the biggest of hugs "I'm so glad you've finally left your room" she exclaimed. Blushing slightly Freya turned to her bowl and carefully began to eat her breakfast.

Diagon Alley was quiet compared to the first time she was there. First they went to the book shop. Fluer had to get the new advanced potions book that just came out. I picked a few books as well that would keep me up for the weeks to come. The ones at school where finished and I was starting to get board rereading them. Next it was Scribbulus Writting Insturments to help stock up on supplies. I was almost out of ink and my quills tip was starting to wear down. Picking out a few other items we left the shop.

As we past Ollivanders I started thinking about the wand that was back at home "Dad, Fluer" I called out from behind them. They turned at the same time giving me a questioning look "will you teach me how to use my wand when we get home?" I asked. A smile spread across Fluers face as my dad had a big grin on him "finally you asked" Fluer exclaimed. I laughed at her reaction before joining them. Linking my arm with Fluers.

We stopped by the Healer shop then went for lunch and grabbed a butter bear. It was amazing. Especially in this October weather. We ate and talked until Fluer reminded me that I still needed a dress for the Halloween Ball. I would go to Madam Malkin for that.

There where many colours to choose from. Reds, greens, blues, purples and the stereotypical witch colour of black. I knew that was going to be a popular colour at the ball so I stayed away from it.  I went for a darker Sacramento dress with only a few alterations to have it to my liking. I smiled as I payed for the dress. Fluer also suggested on finding the right pair of shoes and accessories.

With a nude pink pair of shoes placed in a bag we began to make our way back home to prepare dinner. I tightened my cloak around me as the snow began to fall "hot cocoa is defiantly in order once we get home" I said as I tried to adjust my knitted hat "I agree" dad replied.

The fire was lit and the dinner was cooking. Fluer and I sat together on the sofa. Two big blankets covering us. We though it would be a great idea to have a snowball fight. Soaking us to the skin. Slowly sipping on our cocoa "I don't know if I can do it. Go back I mean" I told my sister "there's nothing to worry about you have me and dad" she told me "and hey don't forget you'll be meeting the rest of the family in a few months" I smiled at her "I know. I'm just worried about what the kids at school will say" I sighed. Leaning back on the sofa "they think I'm weak. Not a real witch even and it's frustrating" I told her "then we'll prove them wrong. Later I will show you a few spells" I agreed with her statement then finished off my drink before thinking about what I was going to do before heading back to school. I would mail my new books and school supplies before hand. It would be easier to travel that way.

I only had three more days before I had to go back and it was something I was dreading. I might have to tell Fluer about the bullying.

How was I going to survive.

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