Chapter 12

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The tender feeling of skin on skin sent the tender sensation of butterflies all over my body as her hand touched my cheek. She caressed it gently, her touch so warm as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I could feel hear breath against me as she spoke.  She continued to comfort me in this why before kissing the side of my cheek. Running her hand down my arm before taking it in mine, entwining our fingers together "You beautiful" she then whispered. Pulling her head back to look me in the eyes. Tears threatened to spill when she said that. I so desperately wanted to stay in her embrace. Her hand still on my cheek she moved her thumb to wipe away the tear that managed to escape. A smile on her face.

My eyes shot open and my breathing a little uneven. What did I just dream about. It felt so real. Looking at the time I didn't realise it was already so late. There was only a few minutes before I had to met Miss Hardbroom. Rushing to my feet I fixed myself up before leaving my room. My cat soundly asleep on the bed.

The sweet sent of raspberry filled my senses as a shaky hand reached for the handle. I was nervous. Very nervous. Opening the door I could see that the fire was lit. Candles where burning around the seating area. The heat welcoming me straight away. Miss Hardbroom sat on one of the more comfortable chairs provided in the library. Her hair was free from it's usual bun and was instead in a long braid down her front. She looked peaceful, relaxed even and it was nice seeing her like this. Calm. I walked towards her the sound of my footsteps echoed of the wooden floor. She looked up at me from the sound and smiled. I swallowed, taking a deep breath through my nose. Miss Hardbroom stood from her seat, leading me to take the one beside her "how are you this evening?" She asked softly. I smiled "I'm ok. I seemed to have fallen asleep earlier but it did some good" I said. For so long I haven't been able to sleep and for the first time I managed to have the best few hours of rest "it's good to hear that. I was begining to worry that you would hurt yourself from it" something within me changed. She worried about me "How are you feeling these days?" she then asked "alright I guess" it was true I was a lot happier these days. Mentally.

Rowena however seemed to be around every corner and the abuse was getting harder to deal with. I really wish to know why she hates me so much. I haven't done anything to her "is everything ok?" I hadn't realised I zoned out until I heard Miss Hardbrooms voice "ah yes I was just thinking" I told her "would you like to talk about it" I frowned "It's alright you don't have to if you don't want to" I smiled at that "thank you for understanding" I said again fidgeting with my fingers "are you nervous?" I looked straight up at her with a shocked face. The tone in her voice was something I didn't quiet understand. How should I reply "There's no need to be nervous. Nothings going to happen" she said before I could reply " I have a question" I then said  "What is it?" I stayed quiet for a few seconds "What do you know about blood magic?" I asked. She looked quiet taken aback "blood magic" she questioned before going into deep thoughts "I haven't really came across it before but it's quiet simple to understand" the teacher began " blood magic is hard to break and is simple linked to a persons bloodline. It can be used in locator spells, protection spells and even shapeshifting" she explained "can it be used as a lock" I then asked. The teacher thought again "I believe it could" she said "although spells can be cast with a single drop of the casters blood" Freya thought "Then could it also unlock it?" I asked "I'm not sure. Now why don't we talk about something other than this. It's the holidays after all" Freya smiled before thinking of something else to talk about "why did you invite me to join you?" I asked still wondering. Hoping. There was a slight shift in Miss Hardbroom "I wanted to have company this evening instead if being by myself. It gets lonely after a while" I guess that's the best I was going to get.

Time went by and it was already quite late. Miss Hardbroom served a nice cup of hot cocoa which tasted amazing. I was curled up on the chair with my arms wrapped around my legs as we talked about almost anything. A burning desire in the back of me kept going strongly and the words left my mouth without think "Have you ever been in love Miss Hardbroom" she knew she must have crossed a line there. This was her teacher not her friend. But she didn't care that was the scarier part "I'm sorry?" The teacher asked not sure if she heard her right "forget I asked, it's nothing" I tried to looking away in hopes nothing else would be said "no" I looked up again "No I haven't" her face had many emotions that Freya had never seen before. Her teacher had always put up a strong face "I've never had any feeling for another person before" she then said "Oh I see" the sadness was heard but I hope she didn't question it "are you sure everything's alright Freya you aren't have any trouble with anyone?" She asked "No it's not like that" I said "Then whats the matter?" I sighed "its hard"  told her "What's so hard about it. Please it's not good keeping things bottled up" she was right "I'm not like the other witches. I've always known I was different but could never come to terms about it" I said "How come?" Her gentle voice came "I like girls" it came out rather blunt. No one knows not even Fluer about my sexuality.

Miss Hardbroom looked astonished not expecting her to say that " Your going to judge me aren't you. Tell me I'm disgusting" I said getting up ready to leave. I was panicking "calm down Freya. I'm not going to judge you" she said quietly "I just wasn't expecting that" she admitted "Is this what has been troubling You?" The teacher asked "No its not. I have feeling for someone. Strong feelings and I don't know what to do" Miss Hardbroom frowned at that and Freya couldn't understand why "Then you should tell them how you feel" her voice was cold. The tone she was used to since the first day she met the teacher "Your right I should" I said before turning around so my back was facing her "I think it's time to go to bed" Miss Hardbroom said. I took a deep breath before turning around to see the teacher was facing the other direction putting out the fire "Miss Hardbroom" I firmly said and she turned from the tone "what is it Miss Evergreen?" She was upset "I'm madly in love with you" my heart was beating so fast. Miss Hardbroom stood frozen as well as myself. The anticipation building, waiting for the harsh comments. The disgust. She smiled, her eyes softened as she took a step towards me. We where so close "I have wished to hear those words come from you for a long time" she said then frowned "but unfortunately your still a child and I'm a grown woman" she then said. I gave her a soft chuckled before taking her hand in mine "have you forget its past midnight" she looked confused "today is my birthday. I'm eighteen" I said before leaning up and kissing her on those rogue lips.

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