Chapter 9

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True to her words Miss Hardbroom started to help me with my studies. It's already been two weeks and I was doing well with all subject. But potions was still struggle. I don't know why. I loved the subject, really I do but every time I had to make a potion it would always go wrong. Miss Hardbroom and I seemed to have develop some sort of friendly relationship. Everyday after each class she would ask me how I got on. If there's anything I didn't understand  she would go over it during our session.

I took a seat at my regular desk in the classroom. I was ten minutes early but I just needed a few minutes to myself. Last night I receive a letter from my dad. It was the letter that explained my parents past and I was still trying to get my head around it. I tossed and turned all night not being able to sleep. Putting my arms on the desk I placed my head on them and closed my eyes.

Hecate sighed as she walked the corridors of Cackles. There was a lot of work to do and it was giving her a migraine. Entering her classroom she didn't expect to find anyone in it. After all there was still a few minutes left before Freya had to arrive for her lessons. But she was already there, slumped over her desk. Normally she would yell at students for such a thing but something stopped her as she watched the girl sleeping.

Over the last two weeks she could see the girls health getting better. She was eating and began to fill out more. She interacted with her friends and conversed with others again. But one thing that stayed was the early mornings. Most mornings Hecate would watch Freya enter the dinning room. On mornings Freya was first Hecate knew she didn't have the best night. Ada talked to Hecate a few days after the dance. It was about Freya. Her father sent a letter to Ada asking her to look out for his daughter. Send updates on her health, improvements in her social life.

The dark circles under Freyas eyes were slowly disappearing. I was finding it hard to look away from the girl as she slept. She looked so peaceful. Taking a seat at my desk I began to mark the students work. Every few seconds I would look up at her. It wasn't until she came across Freyas work that she started think about the weeks that passed. Her grades where improving and everything was going well. Freya was an intelligent girl. She just needed the extra push to get her to do the best of her ability. Potions however wasn't going anywhere. There wasn't much improvement. I was patient with her, knowing it wasn't her fault or that she's wasn't doing the on purpose. I could see how much she put into her work and the frustration it would give her if it wasn't going well. I found it quite cute to be honest.

Freya stirred and Hecate looked up to see the girl slowly rubbing her eye whilst moving her hair out of the way. After one big stretch Freya began to look around the room. Confused of her surroundings she soon realised she fell asleep in the potions classroom "How are you feeling?" I asked her. She jumped not expecting someone to speak "Miss Hardbroom" she started ""I'm sorry. I didn't expect I would fall asleep" she said "It's nothing to get worked up about" I told her. She looked down "why don't you go to bed and have an early night" I suggested to her "are you sure?" she asked "of course. We can have another hour of study on Saturday" Freya smiled "thank you Miss Hardbroom" she began to pack up her belongings to leave. She was near the door "Freya" I called to her. She turned "I just need you to help me out" Freya went to stand in front of the desk "I can't seem to make out this students handwriting. Would you?" I asked showing her the parchment "its this number right here? I said pointing to a number. Freya leaned in to looked at the parchment. The fine scent of cherries mixed with coconut clouded her mind as she watched the girl. Her skin shone even though there wasn't much light coming through. Freya read over the work as Hecate waited for the reply "It's twelve Miss Hardbroom" she said "thank you. You can go now" I said and watched her leave. That's all I needed to confirm my suspicions about Miss Evergreen.

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