Chapter 13

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"Hello" I called out into the home as soon as I entered the front door. I wasn't sure if anyone would be in. After all its our birthday chances are Fluer would have wanted to go into town for a late brunch or something. Entering the kitchen first I found my dad standing by the table, I'm not sure what he was doing to be exact "dad" I called out to catch his attention. He quickly looked up and a smile spread across his face "Freya we weren't expecting you for another two days" he said coming towards me then embraced me into a tight hug "happy birthday sweet pea" I hugged him back. Pulling away I straightened myself up "This is Snowshine" I said gesturing to my cat that was securly laying in her basket "well it's going to be fun having an animal around here" he told me. I could hear movement from behind me and assumed it was Fluer but to my surprise it wasn't. An older man stood in the doorway. He looked a lot like dad "Why don't you go and surprise you sister aye. She's in her room" I nod taking my cloak of first before carring everything up. I stopped outside her door putting my things on the ground. I didn't knock and entered the room quietly. She laid on her bed sulking and it made me raise an eyebrow "aren't you going to stop sulking and say hello" I said jokingly. Her head spun straight away not believing she heard me "Freya" she exclaimed. Quickly getting onto her feet she rushed towards me "I thought we wouldn't be spending our birthday together" the force of her embrace almost sent us flying to the ground.

After finally settling in I joined her on the bed "how's school been?" She asked "I've been improving. I'll defiantly be ready for exams" I said "that's great, I'm glad to see that you're happy" she told me. We conversed for at least half an hour. A few minutes of silence went by before I remember her present "I got something for you" I told her. I went to my luggage and found the small package that I wrapped the night before "thank you" she said taking it from my hand. I smiled and watched her open it "it's beautiful" she exclaimed looking at the gold necklace "it was mother's. I thought you might like something belonging to her" tears where brought to her eyes "This is the best things anyone's ever given me" she said. I helped her put it on "she would've wanted you to have it'" I said. Fluer began to ramble on about something but I was to caught up in my thoughts "I kissed Miss Hardbroom" I said without thinking "What?" Fluer said after cutting off mid sentence "I kissed my teacher" I said a second time "Well I say" I looked at her confused "What is it?" I asked "I thought you might off had a thing for her" I scrunched my eyebrows "how's that possible?" I waited for her answer "You where always going on and on about her and I could see the twinkle in your eyes" I blushed "aren't you going to judge me?" I asked "why would I judge you? I'm dating a teacher remember" I sighed "aren't you grossed our because I kissed a woman" she raised an eyebrow at me "of course not silly" she said then laughed. I couldn't help but smile also at her reaction.

Hecate read of the letter she found slipped under her door. Upon reading it she could tell straight away who it was from by the handwriting. Her heart began to speed up knowing that Freya had written to her. Still not believing what happened the night before. Freya confessed to her. Upon reading the letter Hecate couldn't help but smile. She could feel all the emotions put into it and was glad that Freya didn't want to push her away. She would have to wait until after Christmas to see the girl and she didn't think she could handle it. One thing was for certain was that she loved Freya Evergreen and she would do everything she could to show it.

It was snowing heavy outside. The fire was lit and Freya stood nervously beside her sister in the living room. The old man from earlier ended up being her grandfather. Her father had called both girls down moments ago to introduce Freya to the rest of the family. The looks on everyone's faces said it all shocked, astonished that all these years there was a twin they never knew about "darling tell me this isn't true. Please" a woman I assumed was the grandmother said "yes mother it is. Everyone this is Freya Evergreen my daughter" dad said. I shied away even more. Fluer could feel my nervousness and took my hand in hers giving me an encouraging smile "but Daniel we know nothing about her. What her background is" a blonde woman said. It hurt me I admit "of course she can be trusted she is my daughter. Fluers twin what else is there you need to know" dad said "How her mother brought her up" the woman said. It hurt me it really did. How dare she say that "enough" I yelled out after that woman kept saying horrible things. All eyes turned on me and dad looked a bit shocked. He was used to me being so quiet "don't even think about bringing my mother into this. You know nothing about her" I growled "you may all think she was guilty but I have proof of her innocence" silence filled the room for what felt like hours. No one dared to say a word and my heavy breathing was the only noise in the room. Dad looked like he wanted to cry and Fluers grip tightened. The grandmother's mouth as well as a few others where slightly open like they didn't know what to say next.

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