Chapter 24

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College. It was something I never understood. Why would anyone want to spend a few more years in school. Stressing over work that's to much for them to handle. Yet here I am walking down corridors filled with students I've never met before in a foreign place. I was looking for my room. Been searching for seven minutes. The numbers on the doors where getting closer, one-eight-six one-eight-seven then finally two-six-three. Opening the door to the small room my belongings had already been placed around it. Magic, it's amazing sometimes. There wasn't another bed which I was glad about, at least I don't have to share rooms with a total stranger.

Going over to the bed so I can unpack I sighed. Stressed wasn't even the word. Oh how I wish I could just reach over and hug her but unfortunately duty calls and she had to go back to Cackles. Fluer had started to talk about the wedding. The next few months where going to be busy and I told her I would help as much as I can. Classes would start September fifth which was two days away and I had no idea what I would do. Decorate my room maybe, there was nonpersonaliry to it. Stones walls and a dark wooden bed. I have to say the room back at Cackles was better than this and that's saying something.

As I was unpacking I stopped when I saw something that I had never seen before. It was a framed photograph. An old one you could tell by the frame and colour of the image. It was of mum and dad. It was the first anniversary of her death a few weeks ago. I coped better that I thought I would. There was family around me so I wasn't alone. I smiled picking it up to get a proper look. Dad must have snuck it in my case before I left. They where so young must have been during their Hogwarts years. You could tell Fluer and I took after mum. Placing it beside my bed I finished what I was doing then laid down on the bed. It was only after four, still early to go to sleep so I went to explore. Might as well get to know my way around here.

It was big I have to say that. Cackles you could easily find your way around but the place, this place had to many corridors. Coming across the cafeteria everything within me lit up. Oh the goodness of food. Wanting something light I walked passed the hot food section and went to the sandwhich bar. A chicken and cheese toasty later after not k owing what I wanted I continued my adventure. I saw a few classrooms but couldn't really tell what the subject was. A good thirty minutes later I was sure I was lost. Standing there in the deserted corridor I scratched the back of my head as I looked around until my thoughts where interrupted by the sound of music. Following the sound I came to another corridor. The music louder until I was in front of an open door. Instruments where all around. There was four people in the room each playing a different instrument. I couldn't help but keep watching it was so cool "oh come on Edmund you can do better than that" the girl playing the guitar said. She was really pretty with her shot brunette hair and round face. She was small like a pixie in a way. The boy Edmund was the person playing the drums. His shoulder length blonde hair dripping from the sweat he seemed to be soaked with "shut up Louise I know what I'm doing" I couldn't help but let out a small giggle which caught there attention.

They stopped what they where doing and the boy Edmund got up from his seat "And who might this pretty lady be" he said with a skirt plasters on his face "Edmund!" Another girl I had yet to find the name of said "sorry about him. He the biggest flirt about" she said "don't worry about it" I said "I'm Elena and over there is my sister Louise" she said pointing to the brunette "that's older sister to you" I laughed at the interaction "that's Marcus over there. He doesn't say much and this big flirt is Edmund" I smiled "nice to meet you all I'm Freya" I introduced "well Freya it's nice to meet you" Louise said. Walking further into the room "Is this where you guys hang out?" I asked "Yea it's the old music room. We turned it into a place where we could practice" Edmund said sitting back down beside his drums "So your a band?" I asked "of course, we came together when we started college. An accident really" Elena answered "and a bloody good one at that" Edmund interjected "what about you?" Elena asked her head slightly tilted to the side "me?, oh I can't really play an instrument. I do like to sing though" I said. The three shared a look between each other "show us then" I paled a little I don't like singing in front of people. I shook my head backing away from then "don't be shy we'll play along with you" Edmund said. I really though about it "Ok then" Elena squealed then the group of four got ready to play. Choosing a song and listening to the beat I opened my mouth. The sound that came out was something I've done before. Maybe chanting was keeping me from my full potential.

The song ended and I was slightly out of breath. It was silent "that was amazing" Elena exclaimed. I blushed slightly "Yea your voice is so cool" Louise said "thank you" I managed to get out after calming down a little "how long have you been singing?" Louise then asked "not that long to be truthful. Only a couple of years" Edmund swung his arm around me. It was really uncomfortable so I tried to shrug it of but he was very persistent "there's no way that's true" Louise said not believing my words "hey maybe she can be the vocalist for the band" Elena suggested "that's a great idea" Edmund said holding on tighter "what do you think Freya?" I didn't know what to think after all I came to this place without a plan "sure why not" I said without thinking "great come on then" Edmund said finally letting go. There was something about him I didn't like therefore I would have to keep an eye on him.

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