Copyright and Disclaimers

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Obviously, I do not own the Doctor Who franchise, so all aspects (including characters and storylines) THAT ARE FROM THE SHOW do not belong to me.

That being said, much of this story is new material that came from my own noggin.  Therefore, any attempts at copying them would be plagiarism.  

And I will find you🐶 (That's a bloodhound to track your scent)  Just as I do with other authors, if you see someone copying my work, please alert me.

Of course, I understand that fanfictions are tricky in that they all share the same materials and often the same storylines (time-jumping/soulmates/chameleon-arched time lord/ etc.)  but I think we can all agree that the line between taking ideas from the same pool and outright copying and pasting them from other people is very clear.  

(For instance, there's this book on FanFiction Reader called Child of the Doctor [actually I think it's on Wattpad too] which discusses the crucial parental bond between time lords and their tots.  This inspired me, and so I'm doing my own spin on it.)

I have worked my rear off on this story and I am publishing it for the enjoyment of writing it and the enjoyment of those reading it.  Please respect my story and the comments and opinions of your fellow readers.  

That being said...


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