Chapter Five: Explanations

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             The Doctor was thrown back as a flash of white pain exploded on his left temple.  When the stars finally faded from his vision, and the world decided to stop sending him on a roller-coaster, he found himself sitting on his rear in front of Jackie Tyler's flat, utterly clueless as to what just happened. 

          All of a sudden, Mickey Smith bounded through the front door, glancing for an instant at the Doctor, (whose eyes were still squinting in pain, a high-pitched ringing in his ears) before leaping over him and bounding down the road shouting "Wait!  Percy, come back!  Please wait!"  Jackie was right behind him, one hand covering her mouth in horror and shock, eyes wide.  But when she heard the Doctor moan in pain on the ground as he touched his tender head, she looked down and gasped when she saw him.  "Doctor, what happened," she exclaimed as she bent down to help him up. 

          "I was hoping you could answer that for me.  What just happened?"  He was truly at a loss.   "I think she punched you," was Jackie's answer.  The Doctor shook his head to clear the last of his blurry vision as he said "Yes, I know that, Jackie!  Blimey, that was a wicked right hook!"  He shifted to his feet, only to slump back down to the ground.  "Woah!  I don't think I can stand up yet!" 

"Well was that her?" Jackie demanded, crouching beside the alien.  "Can you tell?  Is she a Time Lord?" 

        The Doctor nodded.  "Yeah.  I could feel her presence as soon as I landed here and I was sure as soon as she collided with me.  And also when she punched me.  I felt the telepathic bond spark.  She, assuming she thinks she's human, wouldn't have felt it—or if she did, she would just think it was irrelevant—but I know.  I could feel her."

           Jackie's mouth was gaped open.  "You're sure?  You're absolutely sure?"  The Doctor nodded firmly.  "Absolutely.  Now it's only a matter of convincing her to let me run some scans and get her to embrace her true identity.  And judging from her actions just now, I'm sensing that might be a challenge."  He and Jackie looked in the direction the homeless girl had run, only to see Mickey walking back toward them alone with a frustrated look on his face.  "Speaking of which," the Doctor said.  "What's her name?  And what happened in there that made her react so violently?"

            By this time, Mickey had arrived and had heard his question.  "Her name's Persephone.  And I'll tell you everything, Doc.  But first, let's go inside, I'm freezing.  I looked everywhere for her, but I think she's long gone.  She knows this city better than anyone and I wouldn't doubt that she knows of every short cut and hide-away there is.  I'm worried about her, though.  She doesn't have a coat or her hoodie."

           Jackie lead the two men back inside, the Doctor testing out the name 'Persephone' all the while and found it felt quite nice on his lips.  Jackie seated them at the kitchen table and prepared three mugs of tea.  "So," the Doctor started, trying to pat down his impatience.  "You were going to tell me what happened in here?"  Mickey nodded and opened his mouth, but the Time Lord continued, a furious edge cutting into his voice and sparking in his eyes "Because if you hurt her in any way, there will be hell to pay." 

             Mickey and Jackie were taken aback by the Doctor's sudden turn of emotions.  They were also shocked at how he had grown so possessive of the girl when he'd never even met her (save when she punched him in the face!)  This was a side of the Doctor they had never seen- a side that even the Doctor himself though he would never see: it was his family instinct; the instinctual reaction in his brain that protected his bonded and their children and other family members at all cost.  True, he hadn't even properly met her, but that didn't mean he'd willingly kill anyone who dared upset her!

The Fate of Persephone (10/OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now