Chapter Ten: The Truth (Most of it)

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             Percy stopped about five feet away from the tall blue box, causing Jackie to walk ahead of her. Percy saw the box as they had approached it, but had assumed it was some kind of modern art piece (despite its mysterious appearance). She thought they would walk right past it and continue down the ally. But then the Doctor stopped and opened the door and out of that tiny box erupted a warm, buzzing, golden light that illuminated a massive room within. Percy didn't know what to think and the strange humming in her mind was not helping to calm her nerves.

           Persephone watched as Mickey entered without fear, even giving the doorway a pat as he passed. Jackie entered next, and Percy watched as she and Mickey struck up a friendly conversation within. Finally, the two Time Lords were the only ones outside. Percy could feel her chest rising and falling faster than usual.

              "Come on," the Doctor said, leaning against the box and nodding to the interior. The thought of bolting briefly crossed her mind, but she realized that she would have to run past the Doctor to do so, as there was a dead end behind her. Percy was scared. This was all so new to her and at that moment, she just wanted to be alone again! The Doctor must have seen her subconsciously flicking her eyes from him to the entrance of the alley because he cocked an eyebrow at her and Persephone immediately knew that he was ready to catch her if she bolted. So, in her panic, she tried to create a convincing excuse to get away from him.

                 "I, um, I have some things I want to collect first. Can I come back later...?" She registered that her voice wavered and tapered off at the end when she saw the Doctor shaking his head with a sort of frustrated-amusement.

            "Oh no, Missy," he said. He pointed a finger at her. "You're staying with me at all times! If there's something you need, I'll go with you to get it." Then he gestured inside the box. "Otherwise, please enter the Tardis. I can't risk you running away again."

               Percy could have sworn she felt her hearts stop. The way his eyes bored so intensely into her own with a possessiveness that she had never seen before utterly terrified her. But, once again, the look in the man's eyes told her that he was prepared to catch her, should she run. But Jackie and Mickey went inside with no concern! If they trusted him, did that mean she could too?

           There was no choice.  The girl had no idea what would happen if she defied this man's orders, and her survival instincts were too strong to find out.   So, never removing her eyes from his, Persephone slowly entered the golden room, stepping out of the way as the Doctor walked in behind her, closing the doors with a resounding snap.

           The room was even more bizarre than it had seemed from the outside.  It was a large round room, with a slanted ramp that lead up to a grated platform.  The walls were pocked with round holes that seemed to be the source of the strangely warm orange glow, and yellow coral-like structures branched from the floor to the ceiling.  Across the room was a hallway that seemed to lead deeper into the impossible place.  But strangest of all was the huge chunk of machinery that was positioned right in the middle of the room.  It appeared to be some kind of operator's consul, with hundreds of different knobs, switches, dials, scanners, wires, and buttons.  And at the center of it was a tall glass tube that glowed an unearthly blue.  It was so confusing, so foreign, so... alien!

             The Doctor felt a stab of guilt as his bonded scuttled over to Jackie, who wrapped her arms around her. Though the comfort helped a little, Percy could feel her hearts racing faster and faster. She was in an unfamiliar and impossible place with a man who seemed intent on keeping her there! This was like her worst nightmare! She knew she was psyching herself out, but she was incapable of stopping. She just couldn't help it! After so long on her own, she didn't know how to cope with so many people suddenly caring so much about her wellbeing! She could—she could feel her lungs closing up and her vision blurring! She was about to have a panic attack, and knowing that she was made her panic even more.

The Fate of Persephone (10/OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now