Chapter One: Rose's Punishment

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AN: Welcome to 'The Fate of Persephone!'  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

          It was one of the strangest days of the Doctor's life. Certainly, the strangest first day of a new regeneration! First, he had crashed him and Rose near the Powell Estate, where he passed out because of complications during his traumatic regeneration. Then he dueled with the leader of the Sycorax for possession of Earth (losing and then re-growing his right hand in the process) and saved the world from blood control. After Harriet Jones took it upon herself to slaughter the Sycorax and everyone shared a great Christmas dinner, things were once again slowing down and it seemed that the evening was coming to an end.

          But there was unfinished business that needed tending to that the Doctor was dreading. The issue lay with Rose, his human companion and great friend. The Doctor had known she had feelings for him stronger than friendship, but he was shocked and horrified when he found out she had butchered his beloved Tardis and broken one of the most sacred rules of time just to get back to him when he sent her home! While she had saved his life and while he was eternally grateful, her brashness and irresponsibility caused him to question how wise it was to lay the secrets of the universe at her fingertips.

          But the Doctor, contrary to his own beliefs, was a forgiving person and he did not want to believe that Rose's selfish and careless actions were a reflection of her as a person and on every action she could make in the future. She was his friend and he wanted her by his side, traveling through time and space. But first, as the last living Time Lord, it was his duty to make sure that the sacred laws of time were upheld.

          Therefore, when Rose asked him if he was going to continue his old life in the Tardis alone, the Doctor turned and looked her straight in the eyes. Ash from the destroyed Sycorax ship fell all around them like grim snow and the light from the buildings and streetlamps around them cast an ominous shadow over half of the Time Lord's face. A hint of uneasiness built up in Rose's heart as well as a twinge of fear. Right then, it seemed to her that the man before her definitely was not the floppy-eared leather-wearing Time Lord she had grown to love. He seemed almost like a stranger.

"Rose," he said, his voice soft, "Do you still want to travel with me?"

          Rose let out an uneasy laugh, uncertain as to what the Doctor was getting at. "Well, yeah! Of course! I just thought that- maybe- since you changed- that you might not want me." The Doctor leaned back in surprise of her admission. "Oh no! No, I'd love for you to come!" Rose visibly sagged with relief and laughed. But her smile melted away at the Doctor's next words, replaced with a guilty expression.

          "But Rose, you do understand that you could have distorted and possibly ended the universe today by opening the heart of the Tardis? I know you were only trying to help, but having that level of unrestrained impulsiveness and carelessness so close to the most powerful machine and secrets in the universe would be a crime against the laws of time on my part." By now, the young woman's eyes were fixed on her trainers, hurt but accepting of the reprimands she was being given. But she looked up sharply, hazel eyes wide with shock and despair when he spoke again, "That's why I've decided that it is best, both for me and especially for you, for you to take some time here on earth to gain some more experience in pressuring and complicated situations in an environment that isn't life-threatening or with whole planets at stake. That way, when you're done, we can head back into the stars knowing that you're more equipped to save the world without endangering it. Do you understand?"

          Tears were welling in Rose's eyes, but she bravely met gaze, smiling in understanding and guilt. "I do, Doctor," she said, her voice cracking slightly at his name. The Doctor's own eyes softened with fondness and he reached out and brought her into a hug, which she returned with a sniffle. He rested his chin on her head and rubbed her shoulders and he said in a light, chipper voice "Oh don't worry! I'm not getting rid of you! What would I do without my favorite Tyler? This is just a temporary stop so that when we meet again, we can be Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum more effectively than ever!"

          Rose had to giggle at that and said as she pulled away, "Alright, but you're Tweedle Dum!" The Doctor scoffed in mock offense and gave her a fond noogie. Rose broke away laughing, tears already dried. "And I've actually been wanting to go on this mission trip to Uganda that I'd been saving up for before I met you. Maybe I'll go and do that! It's a year and a half long and will give me all the experience you've mentioned." "Brilliant! The Doctor exclaimed, "Molto bene! And you still have Universal Roaming on your phone so we can keep in contact too!" Rose nodded. "It sounds like a plan!"

And just like that, the Doctor was once again alone in his little blue box, traveling through the stars.

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