Chapter Fifteen: Possession

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             In the next instant, a cloud of pink particles flew out of the slab of skin and into Persephone's face, causing the young woman to stumble back with a loud gasp. Off to the side, Chip watched in worry as his mistress struggled to gain control of her new body.

              "Oh... oh my!" In an instant, Cassandra-Percy jumped up off the ground and stumbled over to a mirror. "Let me see! Let me see!" she cried, brown eyes shining with excitement. For the first time in decades, she had a body! The first thing she did was remove that big ugly sweatshirt and then assess the curves underneath.

                 Oh yes, she would do quite nicely! Cassandra ran her hands down her sides and felt the defined curvature of her hips. She sashayed them from side to side slightly and grinned. "Nice and dainty," she praised. "Curvy but elegant! This is my kind of body!" She brought a hand up to her long dark hair that was freshly washed from the disinfectant. "Could do with a bit of hair-styling though." She leaned in close to the mirror and puckered her new lips. "Oh yes," she exclaimed. "With a face like this, I'll be at the top of society again in no time!"

              At last, she was finished admiring her new body and held a hand out to chip. "The perfume, please," she commanded, simultaneously drawing her hair over one shoulder and leaving the other completely bare except for the thin strap of the tank top. When it was handed to her, Cassandra took the little vial and tucked it between her breasts, afterward tugging her shirt down ever so slightly to expose just the slightest bit of cleavage.

           At last, she was ready to go. "Alright," she said, resting her hands on her hips. "Chip, I'll head up to ward twenty-six while you get down to the pod chamber. I'll meet you there. If all goes according to plan, I'll use the Doctor to find out what these nuns are hiding, then we'll kill him and in no time, we'll be rich and living the high life again!" Honestly, Chip couldn't care less. As long as his mistress was happy, so was he.


          The Doctor entered Ward twenty-six feeling fidgety. He just couldn't help himself! Being separated from his Amarthin again left him with an unbearable hole in his hearts and he had to fight down the urge to force their barely-made mental connection to find her again! He stopped and took a deep breath. She had been right behind him. She knew what floor he was on and he knew that she would have immediately taken the next lift after him. She'd be okay. A little separation never killed anyone. Hopefully.

             With one more deep breath, the Time Lord began down the long spacious halls and nearly ran into a cat-nun-nurse.

            "Oh hello!" he chirped, a bright smile masking the twinges in his hearts. "I'm the Doctor and I was told to meet someone here. Not really sure who it was, it was an anonymous request, so I was wondering if you knew." The nun turned to him and her piercing yellow cat-eyes met his warm brown ones. "A pleasure to meet you, Doctor. My name is Sister Jatt. If you'd come with me, I'll see if we can find this patient."

            As they walked, the Doctor turned his head from side to side, taking in the sterile white walls and the minimal décor. "Nice place you've got," he said, hands stuffed in his pockets. "No shop downstairs though. I'd have a shop. Not a big one. Just a shop. So people can... shop."

            Sounding the tiniest bit annoyed at his childishness, Sister Jatt removed her veil and responded courtly "This hospital is a place of healing." But the Doctor was quick to reply "A shop does some people a world of good! Not me. Other people." He wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed this new regeneration was obsessed with little shops in hospitals! How strange!

             Once more, Sister Jatt responded promptly "The Sisters of Plentitude take a lifelong vow to help and to mend. There is no time for little shops." The Time Lord frowned dejectedly. Well that was no fun.

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