Chapter Thirteen: The Checkup

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                  Later that afternoon, The Doctor, Persephone, Mickey and Jackie were in front of the Tardis saying their goodbyes. (Percy didn't know how the box jumped from that ally to the Powell Estate, but she just added it to her growing list of questions.) She was in a lot of mental anguish as Mickey and Jackie started to walk back toward the flat. 'I hate this plan. I hate this plan. I hate this plan. I hate this plan,' was playing in her mind on repeat as she stood next to the blue doors with her head down and her hands shoved in her hoodie's (which she had regained) pockets.

                 After initially refusing to accompany the Doctor to a hospital that could determine whether or not she was a Time Lord, the Doctor had felt like his entire existence had just come crashing down around him. "Wh-what do you mean 'no?'" He had asked, feeling like he had just been punched in the stomach.

                 But Persephone's eyes were hard and unwavering as she exclaimed "I don't know who you are, I don't know where I am, and I don't know what's going on! Nothing you have said so far has made any logical sense, so why on Earth would I agree to go on a road trip with you?"

                 The Doctor couldn't believe it. Why was this so difficult? People always seemed to love him! Why did it have to be that the one person who didn't was his Amarthin? From the first time he met her, every attempt he had made to gain her trust and help her had proved not only pointless, but seemed to cause her to react in the exact opposite way he wanted!

                 Thankfully, the Tardis herself had stepped up and alerted Mickey and Jackie (who were still lounging in a sitting room) to the problem. With a few beeps and a trail of lights to lead them through the endless hallways, the two humans eventually arrived at the open door to Percy's room. Immediately, they heard the argument (though it was quite one-sided) happening inside, and intervened.

                Finally, after nearly half an hour, they convinced the young woman to change her mind and allow the Doctor to help her. It wasn't easy and several times it seemed that Percy was on the edge of bolting again, but having multiple people's opinions counter against hers so insistently made her crumble under the peer pressure. After all, she had never really interacted with people before, she didn't know how to defend herself with words! In the end, she just decided it was a safer option to let them have their way.

But that didn't mean she had to like it!

              So it was decided that the Doctor would take Percy somewhere where it could be proven to her that she was a Time Lord; somewhere like a hospital or something (though she didn't know what hospital would be able to tell that.) And now, in the present, just as Percy made up her mind that actually this whole ordeal wasn't worth it, she found herself being gently but firmly shoved into the Tardis.

             "Alright," the Doctor said, embracing the idea of an adventure. He jumped to and fro around the consul, pressing buttons, pushing leavers, and twisting knobs, causing the Tardis to let out her characteristic wheezing and groaning noises. "Percy," he called. "You may want to take a seat!"

              But there was no time, as she was knocked off her feet when the room lurched, sending her to the floor where she desperately grappled for a hand-hold. The Doctor, meanwhile, was giddy with excitement, all past worries forgotten as he said "We're flying, Persephone! We're flying into the future! Hold on tight!" With another massive jerk, Percy was sent tumbling toward the Doctor, who caught her hand and anchored them by holding onto the consul.

          "It's alright," he said, seeing the terror on her face. "It's normal for her to act this way. More fun too!" The young woman didn't respond, only subconsciously tightened her hold on his hand and tried to keep her feet grounded.

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