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'wow, the gates have never looked so dull before,' seokjin thought as he stepped in through the gates of hell. was he late? yes, but did he care? no, not really. the school didn't deserve his excellent brain to work out equations and know what 'hi welcome to pizza hut' is in Mandarin. education wasn't the problem here, kinda, it was the system that they had that sucked. the principal was always promising things that couldn't happen, like getting better food and more challenging lessons, which in itself is something you would never hear more than half the school agree on. and better science and art equipment etc.

the teachers were fun though, they do do a good job at keeping the class in check, most of them. one teacher, mrs. nipples (as they call her) never knows how to let a string go. if you cough once, most likely you'll get a detention, as it had happened before when one of her classes came back from physical education and they didn't have enough time to fill their water bottles up. resulting in them coughing a lot from the lack of moisture in their throats and receiving a class detention. bull. shit.

lumbering, he faced his locker. opening it, he stuffed his future essentials inside and locked it closed.

a particular someone came running up to him, "jinholyshitdidyoudothegeographyhomework," the girl, or as most know her as yiyeon, asked breathlessly, slamming her hand aggressively against the lockers causing a few heads to turn their way.

taking notice of the eyes and then ignoring them, jin bent over a little bit for privacy and saying, "yes i did, and you're lucky i'm even allowing you to do this."

"oh please you know how the teacher doesn't even know what either of our handwriting looks like," yiyeon said rapidly, her eyes wondering around seokjin's frame as if she were looking for the homework on seokjins clothes with an eager look in her eyes. glaring down at yiyeon irked, jin reopened his locker, sluggishly looking through the binders and collecting the question sheets. lowly, he handed the homework over. 

"just do it quickly, class starts in three," yiyeon nodded, jin moving away from his locker for the smaller girl to use it as a base.  


soon enough, they both were walking to their shared classroom, seokjin falling behind.

"why are you so moody?" yiyeon brought up her friend's obvious change in act, "sorry about asking to copy your homework, its just tha-"

"no, no, dont be sorry about that. i went to a football club and-" seokjin explained to her about his problem. nodding her head again, she understood. 

the final destination came into view. ah, shit. broadly, their teacher stood outside her classroom, arms crossed and legs sticking up straight. her carmine red lipstick barely standing out because of how thin her lips were. her name was sharp even, mrs. rhim. in an instant, she caught them with her stare sending unwanted chills up their spines.

"you two, hurry up!" mrs. rhim spoke with bitterness lacing her voice. responding, seokjin quickened his pace with yiyeon stumbling behind.  


sooyoung's voice blended in with the background as seokjin stared at the boy two rows in front of him. jungkook. at the moment it was math class, the students had the work that was given to them and chatter arose from then on. around two minutes before, sir had left to supposedly print something off. coincidently, the printer in the math department was all the way on the other side of the building. 

sooyoung still chattered away without her knowing that her partner was distant from her rambling, she must have been glued into what she was talking about. 

from the act of curiosity and boredom, seokjin ripped out a piece of paper from his book (somehow went unnoticed by sooyoung), wrote a message saying 'hey', screwed up the ball of paper tight and threw it at jungkooks head.

just as jin wanted, jungkook turned around to see whatever had just hit him and followed the gaze of jin. he turned his head around again to look for the item that his attacker attacked him with. a smile on seokjin's face, he watched as the younger struggled to move his own chair out the way and reach underneath the table to then grasp the paper and return to his original stance. serene, he observed the small movements of jungkook's hand - lefthand - writing. 

jungkook spun facing seokjin, getting in the position to throw. just as he was about to throw, the teacher came back in and shutting the classroom up. 

damn it, jin really wanted to see what was on the note. even if it was the plain and tedious 'how are you?'

'shit, 20 minutes until next period,' seokjin thought as the teacher shouted at the classroom for being too noisy.

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