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yiyeon slammed her locker shut after she stuffed her pe bag and essentials in, seokjin having a jolt of consciousness from the bang. the key turned, locking the locker securely, dahyun ran up to the three; seokjin, yiyeon and sooyoung. startling sooyoung, dahyun slapped her hand on her shoulder, smiling wildly, staring straight at seokjin.

"i heard a rumour that someone here is dating someone," smirked dahyun, earning a gasp from sooyoung and yiyeon. ears turning red, seokjin switched his attention to the straps on his backpack.

"who is this person dating?" chimed sooyoung.

" the taehyung," dahyun said.

"dude, you're joking," yiyeon said, tentatively. dahyun shook her head, her smirk standing broad and clear, the girls clearly not understanding the odd one out.

"come on, all the good food will be gone," said seokjin hastily, pushing sooyoung forward.

"wait, wait, wait, who's dating taehyung?" rapidly spoke sooyoung, looking at dahyun as dahyun walked by her side, yiyeon behind them.

"does it matter?" seokjin asked, anxiousness laced in his tone. unaffected by what he said, sooyoung looked at dahyun, morphing her face into a pleading look, imploring her, dahyun, to tell her who it was.

taking a breath, dahyun opened her mouth. seokjin glared at her, hoping that his friend wouldn't let him down. his heartbeat increased, goosebumps rising up his arms and back. creasing his eyebrows upwards, he indicated not to tell them to dahyun by ever so slightly shaking his head. dahyun closed her mouth, almost having a defeated look on her face. jins temperature decreasing and heartbeat returning to its original pace, seokjin and the girls turned to their right to enter the canteen.

sulking, sooyoung scoffed whereas yiyeon playfully half-pouted half-smiled.

"why can't you tell us?" whined sooyoung, her facial features appearing sad, genuinely a bit hurt how dahyun wouldn't tell them.

"if i'd tell you, i'd have to kill you," sooyoung scrunched her face at the comment, the four entering the queue. squinting her eyes, yiyeon glanced at seokjin, catching the tinted colour on the tips of his ears. her eyes widened as the clogs moved in her head, connecting the dots.

"it's you isn't it!" yiyeon squealed as she pointed at seokjin. a few heads turned their way, seokjin apologetically looked at the disturbed people.

"no, it's not," his voice quivered, cheeks flushing.

"uhh, yeah! it is, you can't lie to me," yiyeons smile turned smug. they all picked up an item or more of food, waiting in line to pay, dahyun first ahead of them and seokjin at the back of the four.

the realisation hitting sooyoung, she turned around to yiyeon as her mouth was in the shape of an 'o'.

"god you're smart," sooyoung said, almost a whisper, seokjin laughing.

once they all paid for their food, the four headed out for their bench outside the building. the familiar tree, its leaves beginning to shed as the heart of winter drew closer, stood crooked a couple of feet beside their darkly wooden bench. all sitting down, waiting for the rest of the girls, sooyoung asked seokjin 'how on earth did you get taehyung to date you?'. he almost choked.

"do you really want to know?" asked jin, his voice mild.

"um, yes! this is taehyung we're talking about," whined yiyeon, dahyun wildly nodding.

"you're not talking about me?" jin said, exasperating his voice without tending to emphasise his facial features.

rolling her eyes, yiyeon slapped her hand on the wooden table bench, emitting a dull thud from it, saying 'tell us'.

he explained it all. from the library scene to pe. explaining it in every detail he could put into it, saying how taehyung reacted in specific ways such as how his eyes lightened up. and the way jungkook stumbled backwards at taehyungs appearance. even when describing it, looking back, he added extra things like how the sun made it easier to see taehyungs natural brown under the blue contacts, and how his hair was so perfect it shimmered and gleamed. there were, minor, details that he purposely didn't add in, like the fact that seokjin doesnt have taes number. 



"are you sure you want to eat that?" seokjins mother, miss kim, eye-pointed at the chocolate bar half opened in jins hand. internally, seokjin rolled his eyes, a shiver of irritants running up his back.

"you sound like a stereotypical white girl, mum," sighed seokjin. mrs kim stared at him, her eyes squinted into slits and slapped the side of his arm. hard. yelping, echoing, seokjin shuddered a couple of steps backwards, not prepared for the force of the hit. from upstairs could be heard a hysterical laugh.

scowling, his mother hissed, "i may accept you for who you are but i do not accept your blatant racism."

another cry of laughter echoed from upstairs. soon, a tumbling sangjin came downstairs, pausing a moment to regain her balance.

"im so lucky to live in this family," she huffed out.

"that wasn't racist," seokjin ignored sangjins presence, maintaining eye contact with mrs kim.

"mmm its my opinion," cleared mrs kim, eye-siding jin, "and dont use that tone on me, its rude."

seokjin scoffed, sangjin chuckling as she trailed past them into the kitchen.


chimaek pooled into jins lungs as it sat in front of him, ready to be eaten. calmly, his mother sat at the head of the table with sangjin and seokjin seated either side of her. they all started eating, the grumbles of their stomachs decreasing instantly.

"so, jinnie, how has your football been so far?" asked mrs kim.

stopping to think for a bit, seokjin replied with "its honestly not as bad as i thought it would be," his mind thinking back to the separate 'lessons' of jungkook teaching him the football basics. his mouth formed a smile.

quickly, mrs kim said, "you havent lost weight yet so you're going to have to work harder."

"mum, i barely gain weight anyway, but," he paused, "im kind of grateful that you've made me do it."

looking down at her food, mrs kim stifled a smirk whereas sangjin seemed to be really deep in her thoughts, ignoring both their presences entirely, her face giving it away.

"im glad."


how you all doing?

dont forget to comment ur thoughts, i dont mind criticism (id encourage it actually if you have any lol), and vote/star c:


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