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the next six days went by like six months of walking relentlessly. jin had been studying for a test that probably won't help him in the future for science; more specifically biology. the test kept him up most nights revising and remembering paragraphs of what RNA is and what are the main roles of it is. keeping it consistent, in the corner of his bedroom where his only lamp is, seokjin made flashcards and 'posters' to remind him of the necessary information. even though these tests could possibly be really irrelevant, just in case, seokjin liked to give it his best.

he made his way into the school building earlier than he usually did, way earlier.
the following morning, he made up his mind and decided to arrive school much earlier than he'd normally consent to himself. 7:56 am was the exact time he walked through the gates of the unpleasurable school. there was only one place the school allowed evidently early students to go to; the library.

mind set, seokjin strode to the far side of the school, around the building, with determination for no apparent reason. he looked through the glass of the classrooms he was going by, seeing the chairs high up on each desk and the almost completely clean blackboards.

a few classrooms later, the early boy finished walking to the end of the building and to the field/football pitch. due to the morning blue aura, the originally pear green grass looked an almost blue. jade or pine green.

the window doors of the library were automatically opened by sensors, startling jin with the new reinforcements of the school. they probably built it in around a month before, only that seokjin never cared to notice until he eventually went to the library today. crazy how the mind can just miss out what's new.

he sat down in the corner, where the window seats, as predicted, were the best for viewing the pitch and unzipped his backpack to pull out his late night homework. steadily, he ran over the words that could potentially have mistakes in. some of the lines were memorised into his brain, which is good, but holy smokes is it boring. manifestly, jin could feel the weight under his eyes balloon. in reaction, he rubbed his eyes, his effort put into disposing of the tiredness was useless as it added more fatigue. how?

the presence of someone else was inevitable. the tiresome boy looked around and saw a girl, first year, ponder round some of the novels behind a few shelves. he also noticed how the librarian wasn't present, must be printing something off.

apathetically, jin rested his head in his right hand and turned to look out the neatly cleaned window. he saw someone, a quite masculine body, playing around the field. wearing the whole physical education uniform, and still looking oddly okay. he detected that the supposed boy had a headband wrapped around his forehead to absorb the sweat. fluctuating, his jet black hair bounced as he practised his football skills.

curiously, jin tilted his head to attempted to get a better angle at seeing who the boy was. all he needed was for him to angle his head a little better. seokjin didn't know why he wanted to see who the mystery man was, some say curiosity killed the cat, but in this case, death seems a bit far fetched and undoubtedly won't happen.

the skillfully other kicked the football into the goalpost, making a small gesture with his arms in a little victory. he jogged to the goal, picked the ball up, and turned around.

ah, jungkook. that math boy who sits two rows in front of him. what's he doing here in school so early? apart from the obvious reason that jungkook was practising his sport, jin thought how he lived quite far away, at least his grandma did. however then it occurred to him that he also lived fairly near to where his grandma's house was.

rushing, seokjin packed his revision papers in the red backpack and walked speedily out of the library and towards the pitch.

"jungkook! hey!" he waddled over, catching jungkooks surprised look and chuckled lightly. a pink shade approached jungkook's cheeks turning them even brighter due to the cold.

"why are you here so early?" jungkook questioned, as seokjin finally caught up to him.

"revising for an irrelevant test." lamely spoke jin. awkwardly, the younger nodded, not really sure what to add on to that.

"so, are you practising your football stuff?"

"what else am i doing?" jungkook chortled, "by the end of the semester, in about 10 weeks, we have a 'championship' game, playing against some other team in busan, i think. i'm just being prepared so i won't be anxious by when the time comes, y' know?"

"oh my god, i'm the same! literally, i'm revising, as i've said, for a test that probably won't come in use in the future," seokjin exasperated. he smiled when saw jungkook smile shyly whilst looking down at his football laying in his arms.

to start up a new conversation, seokjin said, "d'you know what time it is?"

lifting up his arm, jungkook looked at his watch and told him the time; 8:15 am.

"i should probably get going,"

what looked like, hurt? on his face, jungkook proceeded to protest, "but there are, like, 15 more minutes till tutor."

"i know but i still have to revise," jungkooks face still had a similar expression but understood what the older was saying.

and with that, seokjin walked off back to the library. he went inside and sat in the same exact spot he sat before. once again, he laid out the flashcards and added his pencil case out onto the table, to make another poster because he found them more enjoyable to create. settling down, seokjin began to look through the flashcards. soon, boredom overcame the boy, and as a result, turned his head to look for jungkook doing his thing. but, he was gone. confused, jin leaned forward to see him, however, no avail. sighing, the now-sulking-boy resumed concentrating only on his work and took out his second sheet of paper to continue the posters.

he spent, what, the next 30 seconds focussing on the title, now outlining it in rosewood pink. he loved the color pink, just like all colors. he had no preferences on what color was his favourite, he just liked colors. so, jin probably had nearly every known color sharpie shade in his room. in his pencil case, they were the ones he used the most.

practically glued to what he was doing, seokjin almost didn't acknowledge the hand that slammed down next him, the figure took the seat beside himself. swerving round, he made eye contact with taehyung. oh, it just had to be him at this time, didn't it?

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