Secrets and Another Wedding.

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Just a quick recap
- Ava's first year of life
- Dez and Carries wedding
- Dez and Carrie have baby boy named Darrie
- Auslly goes on tour with Penny and Ava for a few months
- Ally is pregnant

And now folks now that you're all caught up I present you part 3 !!
Tonight was night 56 of 60 shows that tour, now that the news of the new baby was everywhere, they ultimately decided to cut tour short so they can focus on their growing family.

This tour was pretty special, one because they got to share it with their daughter, and two Ally's mother Penny, also got to experience this as well.

It was important to them that Ava got to experience watching her parents do what they love, wether it was being front row with grandma, or joining on stage occasionally.. and the best part was she enjoyed every single minute of it to the point where by the time it was bed time she was out like a light.

And after this show was over, the three of them took a bow with the crowd roaring, they hurried off the stage.

" looks like she won't have stage freight!" Austin said
" that's because we started her  young" Ally said
" or she's just like her daddy" he said "She may look like you, but she for sure acts like me"
" you're right" She said picking Ava up after her saying ' up up up' like a million times and pulling on her mothers legs
" plus let's face it they come for her" Ally adds
" true" he said " did you have fun?"
" yes" Ava said in a really cute voice 
" aww you love singing  with mommy and daddy don't you" Ally said to her

" yes" Ava screeched burying her face  into Ally's face 

" ah my heart" Ally said
" but hey you gotta audition" he said " just cause you're family, that doesn't give you a pass"

" mommy on piano, daddy on guitar and You my love , you like hitting things so probably the drums!!" She said

" perfect" he said nodding

" four more shows and we're DONE!!" She said tickling her daughter " and we get to go home to your room and play..."
Ava giggles

" oh my god I'm so excited to go home.." he said
" what?" She looked at him weirdly " usually when we're touring you wish it never ended"

" of course I wish tour never ended, it's so much fun, but I'm excited to go home.. and relax with our daughter" he said " and our new baby who we don't know what it is"

" hmm" she said " you do realize when we get home we have to move.. the new  house should be almost done by now.. by the time we get home we should be able to move in"

" ahh the new house!! Hopefully our forever house! We could live there forever.." he said Putting his arm around her " so crazy to me that we bought land and building our home"

She smiles leaning on to him " such a dream come true"

He puts his arm around her " I know right"

" okay let's get you to bed sweetie" she said to her daughter " it's way past your bed time"

" Noo" Ava said cutely

She kisses her daughters face " yes"
Ava giggles And cuddles into her mother

" hey how else are you going to grow up and be a big girl if you don't get any sleep??" He said  " if you go to bed tonight with out a fight.. I'll give you ice cream" He tickled her

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