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noen was already leaning against the now opened gates of the school, with some keys in hand.

"i beat you." noen smirked at delilah, running his hand through his pink hair. she blushed, trying to hide her face with her hair. he walked closer to her, tucking her hair behind her ear. "you're blushing."

"what- no- why would i- i'm not-" delilah rambled. then, noen put a finger to her lips, shutting her up.

"let's go," noen said, walking towards the parking lot, delilah followed.

after getting into noen's car, driving out of the parking, delilah spoke up. "where're we going?"

"it's a surprise," noen teased. "i'm kidding, i'm not a cliche. maybe a little, but we're going up that hill." he pointed towards the hill and has the best view of the city. delilah smiled to herself, as they drove to the hill.

it didn't take very long, but the time was going by so slow for delilah. the awkward silence made her anxious, but she delt with it. noen was tapping the steering wheel to the faint music from the radio, mummbling the lyrics. delilah smiled to herself, realizing she could say she hung out with noen eubanks after school. of course, she's not going to tell anyone, it's nobody's business.

noen parked by the hill, which meant they had to walk up it. "ready for the best time of your life," noen joked, chuckling a but, jumping out of the car. delilah did the same. he stared at the hill, as she stood by the car. "c'mon."

the two started to walk up the hill. it wasn't too difficult, but delilah definitely didn't think she'd be walking up a hill with noen eubanks. once they got to the top, they stared out at the city.

"i knew it'd be a perfect view," noen commented. he sat on the dirt ground, and delilah watched. "sit." he patted the spot next to him, looking up at her. she obeyed, sitting next to him, ever so close. their shoulders barely touched, but it felt nice to her to sit so close to him.

noen smiled at the view, then putting his head on delilah's shoulder. they stayed there for a good 10 minutes, and delilah didn't feel awkward, it was nice. they looked out at the city, so close together, couldn't get any closer. he picked up his head, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"i actually wasn't planning on coming here until after i texted you," noen spoke up, still looking straight. "i didn't plan anything actually. i was kinda freaking out because i had no idea what to do."

"then you decided, 'how about we go up a big ass hill and sit there for hours,'" delilah joked, giggling to herself. noen grined, shaking hus head, before getting up from the ground.

"we're going to my house. i have something more entertaining than this," noen stated, holding out his hand for delilah to take it.

"wait what?" delilah asked, looking at noen weird.

"oh my god! not that! such a dirty mind," noen laughed. "we're just gonna dye my hair, for prom. i thought you'd wanna help."

"who said that?" delilah joked, finally taking noen's hand to get up from the ground.

"me," noen teased, putting his arm around delilah, once again, leading her back to the car.

the drive was even shorter to noen's house. delilah thought if noen went to that hill all the night. once they arrived, it seemed as if nobody was home, since there was no cars parked, expect for for noen's. he unlocked the door, holding it open for delilah to walk in first. his house was small and homey, she liked it.

"not very nice. we're going downstairs." noen started to walk towards some stairs going down, delilah followed. the room was cold, but it had a big couch with a bunch of blankets and pillows on it, a tv, and a small bathroom. it seemed cozy, yet very dirty, because it had a bunch of wrappers and used dishes.

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