Chapter 4

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It was about the middle of class when the door open, I sat up and saw the same guy I ran into. He looks around and set his eyes on me, he walks past the teacher and came towards me. I wonder why the teacher didn’t say about him being late. He was walking straight towards me, please don’t let him sit by me. And my prayer wasn't answered. He throws his bag down and sat down next to me.

    I opened my book again hoping the bell will ring soon. “Psst, psst” I heard someone say. I looked up and saw the guy looking at me. “What”. “What are you reading” “A book,” I said and turn back to my book. After a while, the bell rang and I packed up and headed to the gym. Yay.

    I was getting my clothes on when two girls walk to me “Hi, my name is Sarah and this is Andrea”. “Hi,” I said, “Sorry to just come up here, but we were just wondering if you would like to sit with us since you are new”. We walked in the gym and sat down and started taking, turns out I and Sarah has a lot in common, Andrea didn’t really talk to me that much, I don’t think she likes me.

    We were talking then everybody went quiet, I look around and saw the boy who I ran over. Oh yay, I have another class with him. “Who is that,” I ask Sarah. “Oh yeah, I still hadn’t told you about him. That’s Sam, his the bad boy/ the most popular kid in school” she said, “and the slut who's walking with him is miss. I’m better than you Brittany”.

    “Is Brittany and Sam dating”. “Oh hell no, he despises her, but she doesn’t know how to take no for an answer”. I shook my head and watched him playing basketball. “Ohh, do you like him” “What no”, I said a little too quickly “ it's just when I was looking for my first class, I ran over him”. “Oh my god really”. Andrea said, “What, it was an accident”.

    “Nothing, it's just I'm surprised you're still here” “Andrea, shut up” “ wait what does she mean,” I ask confused. They look away, I got up and headed to the bathroom when someone bumps into me. “Oh sorry” “watch where you're going bitch”.  I turn around to see Brittany, great, her.

I start to walk away when I felt a hand grabbing mine. “ Um, I’m not finished with you”. “Well I am, so please let go of me, I already said sorry”. “You know, you should watch out who you talk to, you have no idea who I am or what I can do”. I smiled and said, “No you have no idea who I am and what I can do”. With that, I pull my arm out of her hand and walk off.

    After school I went to the woods for some quiet, thinking of today. I sat down on a rock and close my eyes, then I heard a rustle of leaves. I open my eyes and look around, they were getting louder and louder, then something jump in front of me. I quickly pulled my knife out and I saw something I wasn’t expecting.

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