I quickly got up, still shock at what just happen. "Are you okay" Heaven said, killing the last of the rogues. Before I could say anything, Heaven looked around me to see Cassy laying there, then she looked in my eyes. I know my eyes was holding, regret and sadness, could feel it in, my body. She was gonna walk up to me when Elizabeth got in her way. "Claire listen to me, what happened to her was not your fault, nothing that is happening here or what happened is your fault. You was protecting yourself, your mate, your pack. You was protecting your family." "But, I...I...". I couldnt even finish the sentence. " Look Claire, I know you are in shock right now, but there is somethimg bigger that is happening here," that got my attention. "What's wrong." "Your pack is getting attacked." When she said that, I took off with all of them behind me.
"Where are you going" I heard Laci say. "To the house, I need to get some things". After a while we made it to the house. Without stopping I went in the gym and grabbed all the weapons I needed. I want back outside to see, Elizabeth, Heaven, Laci, and Sarah, looking at me, like they are waiting for something. "You four stay hear" I said getting everything where they belong. "What, no way." They said all insync. "Look, this is my fight, they came for me, i need to do this alone." "Claire," Elizabeth said, "I know we hadn't seen eye to eye, but I'm in your pack, that means you are my Luna, and I'm going to fight by your side even if it means I die." I looked at her seeing that everything that she said was true, I felt pride. " Does everybody feel this way." Without a answer they stepped up, right beside Elizabeth, that's the only answer I needed. "Than let's do this". We took off running, after a while we stopped and looked around, I could feel someone watching me.
I took a arrow out and put it on my bow, turning around then I heard a rustle in the leaves and the stink of rogues. I put my bow up and shot it. I heard and grunt than I thud. We walked towards the rogues, walking slowly and alert. He was dead, shot right I the heart. I pulled my arrow out, without a thought. Does this make me a monster? Not giving a second thought that I just ended a life? I shook the thoughts out of my head, if I think about this now, I will fuck up and get either me or someone I love die.
I turned away from the body and looked at them, "we need to find where everyone is at." " I know where they are at." I didnt even say I just started walking, soon we started running. After about an hour or so of running, we finally heard the growl from wolves, and tears from the wolves skins. I peaked my head out of the woods just enough to see the fight. To say it was brutal was an understatement, I couldn't even describe it. There is so much blood, so my limbs torn off, and so many dead bodies. Luckily I didn't see many bodies from my pack where I was standing. Hopefully, everyone from the pack will survive this...
"Okay," i started, trying to clear my head, " I know your mates probably been telling you to stay out of this fight". There was a whole not of heads shaking yes. "Well, I think it's time for them to see how strong we are, especially in a group. So my plan is... We go in together. We fight together, we watch each other backs, we only split when necessary. That is, if we see if our mates are getting hurt, and if you see Taylor," I said while gripping my bow, "you leave him for me." I started walking out when I got stopped. "You not going to swift" it was Laci. "No Laci." I didn't say anything else, just walked right in the fight with my friends right behind me. My friends who is fighting my fight. My pack who is fighting my fight. My mate, the love of my life is fighting my fight. And I'm going to end this, even if it means ending my life. I am tired of my loved ones getting hurt.
Right has we got in, we got getting attacked by rogues left and right. The other girls already swift, while I'm still in human form, I'm vulnerable, that means I'm more likely to get attacked, that also means I can fight my battle. Soon I felt the sticky, bloody, grass on my back and a hot bloody breath on my face, if I could I would puke. I put my bow on its neck trying to push it off, than it was gone and black for was place where the rogue once has been, except this time the wolf was protecting me. Sam growled at the wolf and attacked it. I quickly got up and shot an arrow at another rogue that was sneaking behind Sam.
After Sam killed the rogue, he stalked towards me, I can tell he was pissed but right, I could careless of any emotion, even mine. If I did I will double guess myself, and I can't do it. "What in the hell are you doing here?" Sam growled in my head, yep he was piss. "Fighting" I replied. "You shouldn't be out here. It's to dangerous." At that moment, I saw a rogue coming up to us at the side of my eye. I quickly reached behind me to grab an arrow and shot him right in the eye. He went down without another word. "I think I go this," I told Sam, while grabbing my arrow out of the rogues eye. It was my last one and I'm saving it for someone special.
"Claire..." Sam snarl. "Look Sam," I said getting irritated, " I'm the one who started this fight, and I'll be damned if I don't help finish it." With that being said, I blocked my mindlink and looked around. More that a third of the rogues was dead, we are winning, but there is still a sickening feeling in my stomach. I don't know if it's because of the smell of death all around me, or if it's because I cause a lot of that smell, or if it's because I know that something else is coming and soon.
Has I was fighting rogue, that when I saw it, or rather I should say him. He finally got out of the safety of trees and joined the battle. I quickly cut the rogues neck and made a beeline to him. I dodge the rogues that was running towards me. I grabbed my last arrow and put it on the bow, rising it up. I can kill him right here, right now, with his head looking the other way. I was about to let go when I thought of something else. All of the days of torturing me, he was face to face, say should I kill him way over here when I have a opportunity to kill him face to face. To watch the last sight of life in his eyes disappear forever. I put my bow down and little and walked closer to him. Soon I was right behind him, I know he can hear me and sense me.
I put my bow up, "Taylor, Turn Around".

My Unknown Life
WerewolfClaire always dreamt on having a normal life but never had one. She grew up in a small town but moved to a city when she was ten with her stepmom and her dad and sister. Now after seven years she moving back to her home town thinking everything is g...