Chapter 18

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I woke up at seven thirty and got dressed for school. Hopefully Claire is feeling a little better and will talk to me. But I'm more worried about her wrist, maybe I can confess her to go to the pack hospital. That's another thing I need to ask her, why does she hate hospitals? "So i got a text from Claire. She said she's on her way to school and she needs to talk to me" I shook my head and got a box of cereal down. I’m glad she’s talking to one of us, too bad she's not talking to me. "Sam, she'll come around". I got up and put my dishes in the sink and went to school. Knowing Claire she's already there and I hope I can talk to her before school starts.

Claire's POV

When I got to school everyone stares at me. I put my head down and went to my locker. I shut my locker and turn around to hear clicks of heels. Please not Brittany. I turned around to the noise and see her walking towards me with a smirk on her face. "Not now Brittany". She looked at me and smile, "so how's life as an orphan"? She laughed. I balled up my fist and stumbled back. "Aw whats wrong, can't stand up for yourself? Probably not, you're all alone now". "Leave me alone". 

She laughs, "Aww poor baby. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" She asked. I started breathing heavy and shaking. Image flooded my mind of everything that happens in my life. "You're nothing, you're worthless, nobody loves you. All you are is an orphan, with no one to love you". She whispered. 


When I got to school I can feel in the air, something is different. I open the door when someone ran up to me. I could tell by his face something is wrong. "What's wrong" I said "Claire". When he said that I started walking towards her scent. When I got close to it I could see a big circle. What happen now? "Let go of me you bitch"! I heard Brittany yell, great just what I or Claire didn't need today. I growl and everybody moved out of my way. 

Once I got to the middle I saw Claire holding Brittany against the locker punching her repeatedly. I could tell Brittany was about to pass out. I ran over there and grabbed Claire holding her against me. Brittany fell on the floor coughing, she had blood all over her face, if I wasn't worried about Claire, I would be laughing and piss off at Brittany. She had to say something to her. "Let me go" Claire said. "If I do are you going after her again" I whispered.

She stayed quiet which gave me the answer. "You bitch" I popped my head up to see brittany standing back up. "Look at what you did. No wonder your dad left and died! No you know what! Knowing you, you probably killed him, or set him up"! No she did not just say that. "You fucking slut", I heard Claire yell, "when I get my hands on you, im gonna fucking kill you". I was considering on letting her go and punch Brittany some more. But if I do that, then no telling what's going to happen.

I could feel Claire pushing against me, but I didn't let her go. "Brittany if I were you I would shut the hell up" I yelled at her using my alpha voice. She quickly bowed and walked away. Claire was still struggling against me but I kept her there. I easily picked her up and brought her outside. Once I knew we were far away from the school, I let her go.

Claire's POV

All i see is red, especially after hearing with that bitch said. "Claire you need to calm down" I heard Sam saying. After a few minutes I was able to think straight, I know I can't kill her, even though I wanted to do badly. "Are you calm down now"? Sam asked. "Enough" I said through my teeth. If i could punch something I would but i think i broke my bad wrist while punching that bitch. "Claire… you can't let her get under your skin like that". I turn around a looked at Sam and yelled " I will when she's talking about my father"! He put his hands up in surrender. I close my eyes for a second to help me calm down when I open them. Sam was face to face with me, I tried to back away but my feet are glued to the floor. He picked up my bad hand and flinched. Damn that hurts. "Lets go"

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