Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I must’ve fallen asleep because I was woken up by the sound of the front door slamming shut, I quickly shot up finding Sam in the house pacing back and forth. I could tell he was mad. About what? I have no clue, hopefully it’s not because of the way I acted. Because all I need today is a piss off alpha werewolf in the house or near me. I have no clue what could happen, even though he told me he would never hurt me, I still have that fear inside me that I can’t shake. The last time I was with a guy, he hurt me in ways I could never describe, that I couldn’t even tell Sam. Finally I quietly said “Sam”. I know he can hear me. He turned his head to face me, his once light blue eyes was now dark blue, very dark blue, darker than I have ever seen. 

His eyes soften when he saw me but they are still dark. He started walking towards me, and all of my instinct was to walk away, but a tiny voice in my head told me to stay and I of course listened to it. He pulled me to him and dipped his head down to my neck and started sniffing it. Hmm must be a werewolf thing. I quickly hugged him back. I just noticed how much I missed his comfort. I swear this mate thing is changing me. Not once in my life, have I really ever want to me by a person for a long time, I always wanted to be by myself for hours on in, either just staring at the wall doing nothing or listening to music and reading books. Even when I was dating Tyler, I still wanted to be alone, but since I started dating Sam, I always want to be by him. Even if we ain’t doing nothing just sitting by him was good enough for me.

“Are you okay”? I finally asked.“I’m fine now”. Sam replied. He pulled away from me and smiled, I smiled back. He took me by the hand and pulled me down on the couch. “So are you gonna tell me whats wrong, or do I have to guess?” Sam asked. “Nothing’s wrong” “That’s a lie. I heard you and Cassy yelling at each other today at school. “Don’t worry, we just got in a fight, it’s what sisters do”. “Alright, I won’t push it. Just remember if you need to talk, you can always tell me”. “Yea, I know. 

It was finally the weekend, no school, no dealing with Brittany. I hadn’t talked to Cassy the whole week, or seen her, only at school a couple of times. She’s been staying with her mate, and I really need to talk to her but I don’t know what to say. I’m still mad at her that she kept the secret, and that she didn’t warn me or talk to me about Tyler. Yea, I’m kinda am, and I know that is very pitiful but I just don’t know what to think. I guess I’m not so mad at her, them myself, I always saw the look Cassy gave him, but stupid me didn’t pay attention to nothing. 

I was walking through the woods, trying to clear my mind, with everything that happened to me these past few months, I really need to get away from people, go on a vacation or something, just somewhere by a lake, where it’s peaceful. I was shaken out of my thoughts by a snap of a twig, I was praying that it was me who stepped on it, but of course with my luck it was something or someone else. I quickly looked around trying to find a place to hide, I could run to my house, I’m not that far from it, but I don’t know what it is, or how fast it can run. I quickly looked around to find a low but high tree to climb. I quickly walked to the closest one I found and started climbing. I know this is weak of me, but if you know what I know, you would probably do the same thing, and be being a dumba I forgot to bring a knife or something so I can’t protect myself.

I got up the tree and tried to hide the best as I could. I’m hoping it is just a rabbit or deer, not a wolf. But, of course, my wish didn’t come true, a large wolf walked by the tree and looked up, luckily there was a lot of limbs in the way so hopefully, it can’t see me. The wolf is a light brown color, by the look of it, it looks like a female, she has a feminine side, but i’m not a werewolf expert. The wolf walked away heading towards… my house? After a little bit, I slowly got down the tree, if this wolf is going towards my house, than I have to see who it is and what it’s doing here. Hopefully I don’t die.

I knew enough about werewolf that they have an excellent sense of smell, and studying dogs and wolves, I knew I had stay down wind to it so, I made a big half circle, enough for it not to see me (hopefully), but I can still see it. I stayed crouched down where I can really only see the behind and tail, I stepped lightly and avoided limbs, as much as I could. Once we were a few yards away from the house, the wolf went behind a tree, I was about to follow it, when I heard bones breaking… that has to hurt. I knew it was swifting back, because of the books I read way back then. I was expecting someone I didn’t know walk around the tree but who I saw, I was not expecting. It was Cassy. When did she go through the swift? Why don’t anyone tell me things, I’m getting sick and tired of being left out of things. I stayed in the woods a little bit longer, and I walked in the house. “So, how was your little walk in the woods”? I asked Cassy while getting something to drink. “I didn’t take a walk in the woods”. She lied. I slammed the fridge shut and looked at her. Not telling me something is one thing but lying to my face is another thing. 

“Really? Because I swear, I saw a female werewolf walking towards the house, than went behind a tree and swift into a person that looked like you. Or was I imagining all of it”? She looked at me in shock than I saw her eyes change colors, I can tell she is piss, and I would be scared because she's a werewolf and she can easily kill me, but I’m tired of everything. “You was spying on me”?! She yelled. “Well if you see a werewolf going to the house what would you do”. “Oh, I don't know… Run! What do you think would happen if it was a rogue, and not me? And he caught you. You would either be dead or kidnapped and taken somewhere”! She made a good point, if that was a rogue I would probably be dead or worse, but right now, I don't care nor do I want to listen to it. “So, what are you telling me I couldn’t handle things myself, are you telling me I’m weak”! I yelled. Yea i know not the most confessing argument but it’s better than nothing. 

“Yes, that’s what I'm telling you. You are weak. That’s why dad didn’t tell about who you are, that’s why you ran away when he died, because you were too weak to handle it. And that's why it was so easy for Tyler to rape you, becasue you are too weak to fight. You always was and always will be. No matter what you do! She yelled.

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