I followed him to his truck, I didn't want to cause I was still kinda afraid of him but I also didn't have the strength to argue. We didn't speak the whole drive, to tell you the truth it was very uncomfortable. We pulled up to a building. I looked up to see where we was, "You took me to a fucking hospital… you know I hate hospital". I said to Sam, getting mad. Me and hospitals don't mix, not anymore. "Claire, your wrist is hurt, you either broken or sprained it when you was punching Brittany. What else did you want me to do? Take you to your house? In pain?" He said looking at me.
"Yes", I started to say, "I don't like nor do I trust hospitals". I said the last part quietly but I guess he heard it. His eyes soften while he put his hand in my hand, "Why not?'' he asked. I was about to tell him but I stopped, I know it's not fair that I'm keeping secrets too, since he already told me a big secret. And hopefully the last one. But I couldn't, thinking about what happened, it just makes me want to curl up in a ball and die. I guess he got the hint that I wasn't going to say anything.
He got out of the truck and walk to my door and open it, "either you come willingly or i will pick you up and throw over my shoulder". I looked up at him to see if he was playing but I can tell he is dead serious. I got out of the truck and followed him, i was thinking of running to the woods away from him but I knew with him being what he is and with my ankle he could easily catch up with me. We walked in the hospital and immediately everybody bowed. Why are they bowing? Sam lead me into a room and made me sit down on the bed a few minutes later a man walked in, I knew he was a doctor by the clothes he was wearing.
He was about six foot, his taller than me but not as tall as Sam, he must be in his late thirties early forties. "You must be Claire, my name is Doctor Dan, but you can call me Dan". He put out his hand and I hesitantly took it. There's something about him. "Well let's see about your wrist". How did he know why i came here, oh yea I already have a brace on. He took my brace off carefully, I looked over to Sam to see him looking at Dan with careful eyes. I stayed quiet for most of the time, not wanting to speak to The doctor or Sam.
"Okay so the good news", Dan was saying, " is, your wrist isn't broke, just badly sprained, so all you have to do is keep this brace on and not punch stuff". Dan smile at the last part. Dan left and that leaves me and Sam alone. Yay. "What do you want to know"? Sam asked. I was confused at first but then it dawn on me. "Why did everybody bowed at you when you walked in"? "They was showing respect, I'm the alpha of the pack". The alpha? "Isn't the Alpha the leader of packs" I asked. "Yep" Sam said while popping the 'p'.
He got up and walked towards me and sat down on the bed. I moved my hand closer to me but accidentally touched his hand, and those tingles. What are those?
"When you touch me. All I feel is tingles. Why? '' "Well… that's because you are my mate". Mate? Wait… mate, as in soulmates. "Wait… are you saying I'm your soulmate" I said shocked, i stood up and move back. What in the hell is going on. First I found out that Sam is a werewolf then his my soulmate. "Claire you've been quiet for a while… say something… please" Sam asked nervously. "What… what do you want me to say…''''anything". 'I don't understand… everything that's happening should not be… its suppose to not be true".
Sam got up and walked towards me "Claire, I understand you are confused and angry at me for keeping all of these a secret-" " I'm not angry at you" I interrupted, "I can't be, everybody had secrets". Sam looked at me in shock, I guess he wasn't expecting that. "Claire… can you give me a chance to explain to you what I am, and if you don't want to be with me, than I understand". I looked at him and said yes, everybody should have a chance to explain themselves. "Then let's go to your house and I'll explain everything".

My Unknown Life
WerewolfClaire always dreamt on having a normal life but never had one. She grew up in a small town but moved to a city when she was ten with her stepmom and her dad and sister. Now after seven years she moving back to her home town thinking everything is g...