Chapter 29
I was in a field, in the woods, it had sunflowers dancing in the wind, it was so beautiful, but I knew I was not alone... someone is watching me. I started walking trying to get out of the field, but its was like my feet was grabbing onto the ground, making me stay there, I couldn't move. Then I heard a silent, but evil laugh, that laugh I know that laugh from somewheres. I turned my head, still glued to the same spot. I saw Tyler staring at me, with an evil grin, he started walking towards me, and he was dragging something. I wanted to run and find Sam but couldn't. Then the beautiful field transforms into blood and dead bodies, and only one stands out, Sam... . I stood there in shock, I couldn't move, his insides was his outsides, I could barely recognize his face. "Claire" I shot my head up and saw Tyler looking at me, I now I can see what he was holding, or shall I saw dragging... it was Cassy. "What do you want Tyler". I said, trying to be brave, but failed miserably. "You know what I want, and yet, you didn't give it to me". "Why do you want me" "because you're the white wolf, and you're weak, which makes you easy to manipulate".
I looked down to see blood on his hands, "y-you did this" I choked, "Yep", he laughs, "and it was pretty easy too, especially killing that weak-ass mate of yours". He picked up Cassy by the hair and looked at me, "now you learned your lesson, you mess with me, you will suffer". He grabbed Cassy's neck and twisted. He tossed her on the ground. I wanted to scream, cry, but all I felt with anger, I want to kill him, I want him to suffer like I suffer because of him. I started walking, my body shaking, I can feel my bones moving inside of my body, it hurt like hell, but I liked how it felt, I heard a voice in my head, telling me to wake up then...
I jolted up, looking around to find him, but I didn't see him, all I saw was Sam looking at me, I was a dream, but it felt so real. That's when I felt the pain, the pain I felt when I was asleep, "S-sam, what's happening"? I breath, trying not to scream in pain. "You're swifting" He quickly said while picking me up. He ran down the stairs, and out the door, setting me down in the woods. That's when the pain tripled. My arm twisted and broke, I let out a painful scream which turned into a howl. In between my tears, I can see Sam looking at me, watching me, with a worried expression. I closed my eyes, trying not to scream, trying to stop the pain. "Claire, listen to me, don't try to stop it, it'll only get worse". I did what he told me, I didn't hold back. Next thing I know, the pain subsided, and I was face to face with Sam. Wait... how am I as all as him, he is like a foot taller than me.
I opened my mouth to speak, but it came out a bark? I looked down to see that I am on all fours with paws and fur... omg... I'm a wolf. I walked towards Sam and face planted, I heard a chuckle, at first I thought it was Sam, but it sounded like the chuckle was in my head. I must be going crazy. "You're not going crazy... I'm your wolf, my name is snow" the voi- I mean snow said while laughing. "Oh yea, Sam told me about that. It's so good to meet you". "Same, Claire, i've been waiting so long to meet you, but we can talk later, mate need to teach you how to walk, don't worry you'll get use to it". At that time, I felt sparks and tingles on my body, it felt so good, I looked at Sam and everything seemed to melt away, and I felt this connection between us, I've never felt before, I don't even know how to describe it.
"You can feel the connection, don't you?'' He said I shook my big wolfs head yes, "This is what I feel everytime I see you and touch you, the first time I saw you". I breath in, smelling an amazing scent, kinda like woods but more musculine. Than I realize the smell was coming from Sam... holy crap... he smells so good... "Wait here". He went behind a tree, then came out has his wolf. I had to look up to see his face, even in wolf's form he is taller than me. He nudge me and started walking, I hesitantly followed him, still not trusting my feet. Soon I started walking faster, since his legs are longer than mine, I had to double my speed. "Actually you don't" I heard Snow say. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "We are faster than a normal alpha, so if you just think we can be side by side, without us having to run". "But, I thought Sam isn't a normal alpha." "True, Mate isn't a normal Alpha, but we are still a little faster than him, but not by much, unless we want to. Don't worry, I will tell you everything, but right now lets spend time with Mate". I said okay and continued walking.
I have no idea where we are going, all I know is that, Sam was getting faster, or I'm getting slowly. Nope, I was right the first time, Sam started running, I stood still, not really knowing what to do, I can barely walk, and he expect me to to run? He stopped a few feet ahead of me and barked. I put my head down shook it, but started walking, soon I was speeding up. Sam ran ahead, while I was following. It was actually pretty fun, and I was getting the hang of it. I let Sam go ahead of me, for two things, one I have absolutely no idea where I was going, and two, His the alpha and now I know that I have to respect him. We kept running, then the next thing I know he jumped, oh yay, a tree fall. I stopped and watched Sam jump easily over the tree, I took a few steps back and ran, as soon as I got close enough to the tree I jumped. I was flying through the air, I was about 5 feet in the air. Next thing I know, I went face first in the tree.
Everything was spinning, I saw about 10 Sam's running towards me. I slowly got up and shook my head, trying to get the dizziness gone. I took a step but I felt myself falling down, but Sam easily caught me. He helped me back on four feet, and started licking my head. It was amazing, I leaned in and started purring. He rubbed his head under mine and nudged me to follow him, luckily, he was just walking. After a few more minutes of walking we finally made it to a lake, couldn't wait anymore, I jogged over to the water to see my reflection. What I saw was not what I was expecting, I was snow white, spotness, except my ears, they had a little black on them at the tip.

My Unknown Life
Hombres LoboClaire always dreamt on having a normal life but never had one. She grew up in a small town but moved to a city when she was ten with her stepmom and her dad and sister. Now after seven years she moving back to her home town thinking everything is g...