Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I punched her in the face and she fell down, I easily picked her up my throat, I was about to hit her again, when I felt a sharp pain in my side, I threw her down and touch the side where I was hurting, I felt something warm, I looked down to see blood. I heard laughing and looked towards Brittany, and in her hand, I saw a pocket knife. She smiled an evil smile and came at me with the knife.

I quickly blocked it, in the process of cutting my arm. I grunt and twitched her hand, she dropped the knife and I picked it up. “No weapons,” I said angrily. I look in front of me to see some trees, I threw the knife towards the trees and it easily stuck in it. Everybody gasped and looked at me. I took a step towards Brittany but I dropped, my side is killing me, all I saw was a pool of blood.

I looked towards Sam to see people holding him back, Sarah's eyes, wide, even Andrea’s, but I couldn't see Cassy anywhere. I tried to get up but fell back down with a kick to my gut. I squeezed my eyes shut, not making a sound. All I felt was a pain, all I saw was black. I started to feel dizzy, probably the blood loss. Then I saw my ex, him smiling, laughing. Then I saw my mom, her face so disappointed in me… that's when I lost it.

    I opened my eyes and grabbed Brittany's leg, making her fall. I got up and saw red. She got up looking in my eyes, then she flinched, barely, but I still saw it, now she's scared, and I'm pissed. She throws a punch and I grabbed it, I punched her in the face repeatedly. I threw her on the ground and punched her not stopping, I felt the blood on me, I felt her skin every time I punched her.

Then something got over me, I started thinking about my stepmom, how I promised her I would change at my new school. I got up and picked Brittany up, I throw her to her friends and walked towards Sam, everybody ran to Brittany to see if she was still alive. To tell you the truth, I don’t know if she's alive or not. I saw Sam and Sarah running towards me. My arm and side are still bleeding, “Come on, let's go” I said and walked off.

When we got to my bike, that when I collapse, Sam caught me before I hit the ground and touch my side. I flinched, he quickly let go and got me up, well he picked me up. I didn’t argue, I can barely walk. He put me in the back seat and got in beside me. “We’re going to the hospital” “ No”, I said loudly “ I swear, if you take me to the hospital, I will jump out of this truck and run home” he didn’t say anything just nodded. I told Sarah where my house is, after a few minutes, I saw my house.

He got out and ran to help me, I was already up and about to get out. “Wait for me please,” he said. “Do you really think this is my first time to get stabbed” I chuckled, which was a mistake. We started walking and I saw Cassy running towards me. “I told you, to not to fight her. Look what happened” she said getting piss off. “I didn’t want to but I did, so either help me or get the fuck out of my way before I punch you out of the way,” I said not wanting to deal with her.

She moved out of the way and I made my way to the house, luckily dad wasn’t home yet. I got to my bathroom and sat down, blood still pouring out but not as much.  “Let me help Claire,” Sam said. “It’s okay, I don’t need help” I replied, wanting him to leave. “It wasn’t a question”. with that, he picked me up and sat me up on the sink.

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