Chapter 23
"Okay,'' I begin, " You remember what I told you about mates"? "Yeah". She said. "Well, I didn't mention one thing. Werewolves can only mate with other werewolves. Not humans. '' I said, waiting for her to explode. "But I'm your mate and I'm human… right?" Claire said standing up backing away. "No Claire you're not. Why do you think you can beat up Brittany, or run faster than me, or heal quickly"? Claire just stood there in shock. "Please say something" I said/beg. "So… your telling me… that only a werewolf can mate with another werewolf. And I'm your mate and you are my mate… and the only reason I can fight Brittany and heal fast and run fast, is because I'm a werewolf?" I shook my head yes.
"Why didn't nobody tell me"!? And here it is. "Because your dad didn't want too". She looked at me and I can tell that she is pissed off, her eyes her turning a very light green. "That wasn't his choice to make. I should've known from the beginning". "I know Claire, I know. I wanted to tell you from the beginning. Not just about you but about me too, but your dad didn't want too. He was trying to protect you and your sister". "Protect me? From what? From who. '' "Well… '' ''Sam… don't fucking lie to me. Tell me who now… or I will walk out of this house and fucking leave". I can tell she was serious. "Okay, he was trying to protect you from rogues". "Rogues!! As in Tyler" she screamed. I shook my head yes. "Did he know" she whispered. "What"? I asked. "Did he know about Tyler". "Yes". I said ashamed. Her dad did know about Tyler, after they started dating for a few months, but Tyler threaten Claire and he couldn't do anything. "Then why didn't he-" She stopped mid sentence and run up the stairs. I chased after her, but I was too late, she shut the door and locked it. If I wanted to, I could easily break the lock but that would only make her more pissed off.
"Claire come on, open the door please". I said. "Leave me alone, Sam" I heard her say. There's something different in her voice. Is she… crying? "Claire, please". I heard her walking to the door. "Why"? She asked. She unlocked the door and opened it. "Why… why should i listen to you… you lied to me… you didn't tell me who I'm actually am… i trusted you" she said walking away. "I know, I know" I said softly. "Then why didn't you tell me. And don't say it was because of my dad". "I don't know" I amited. I walked towards her, putting my hands on her waist. "Look at me please" I said trying to turn her around. "No. I-i can't". She choked down a sob. "Claire" I said softly, "you don't have to hide from me when you are sad or crying". She slowly turned around to face me. I brush my hand against her cheek, wiping away some of her tears.
Its hurting me that she is crying, that I made her cry. "Good job. Making mate cry" my wolf said. "Not now" I said quickly blocking him. She walked closer to me and hugged me, I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist, making sure she doesn't escape my grip. "I'm so sorry", i said against her hair, "Please don't be mad at me". She pushed against me a little so we are face to face. "I'm not mad at you", she said, "it's just… my dad told me something when I was dating… him". I tightened my grip around her, I hate that she dated someone else, especially that he was a rogue and he cause her pain, in ways nobody should go through. "What did he say?" I asked curious. "Not to trust him. That he would hurt me. I just thought dad didn't like him. I never thought he was actually warning me". She said sitting on the bed. "It wasn't your fault". I said trying to reassure her. "Yes it is. Because of me dad died and my step mom". Her step mom?
"Because of me, Cassy doesn't have a mom or dad. I'm surprised she doesn't blame me for everything". She put her head on the pillow crying. "Claire look at me" I said softly. She slowly got up and face me. I picked her up and put her on my lap. She put her head on my shoulder, "nothing that happened to you, was your fault. Not your dad or your stepmom. '' "You don't know what happened" she said quietly on my shoulder. "Than tell me, please". "Okay", "she began, "at my birthday party, after that happened to me. I call my step mom to come get me. Well while I was waiting for her, Tyler came outside and told me, if I left now then there will be consequences. I didn't listen, I just wanted to leave".
She stopped and looked at me, I can see the tears in her eyes, she's trying her best not to cry, and I don't know why she's so afraid to cry in front of me. "My stepmom came and I climbed in the car, when I got in that's when I started crying. While she was driving, I told her what had happened. We stopped at a red light and she turned to me and told me it was okay, that she will take care of it. And that's when a truck plowed into us on the drivers side", she took a big breath,"I woke up still at the crash site and I saw or I thought I saw Tyler in the truck an- and-". She started crying and I quickly hugged her can't believe that bastard did this to her.
After a few minutes, she sat up and looked at me, her eyes are red and puffy from crying, but she still looks so beautiful."I'm sorry" she said looking down. For what? I put my finger under her chin and look into her eyes, "for what?. "For crying," she said. "Love, you don't have to apologize for crying" I said kissing her forehead. "Did you just call me 'love'"? She asked. "Yes, yes I did" I said proudly. She smiled and looked at me, I run my thumb over her lips. God how I want to kiss her so badly, but I think it may be inappropriate. "Fuck it" I breathe, she looked at me confused but I ignored it. I pulled her closer to me and dipped down to kiss her. She quickly kissed me back, her hands trailed up to my neck and she put her fingers through my hands and started tugging. I love when she does that.After a few minutes, I pulled back, I didn't want to but i know that if we continued, I may not be able to stop and I know Claire isn't ready. She looked at me with confusion in her eyes, "I know you're not ready, that's why I stopped". She smiled at hugged me. "Can I ask you a question, Claire" "of course". I looked at her and smiled. "What happened to your stepmom… is that's why you don't like hospitals". She shook her head yes and looked down, I know talking about her stepmom upsets her, "I don't really want to talk about" she whispered. "Okay, I understand" I kissed her forehead and hugged her. "How about we order some food and watch a movie" I suggest. "That sounds awesome"

My Unknown Life
WerewolfClaire always dreamt on having a normal life but never had one. She grew up in a small town but moved to a city when she was ten with her stepmom and her dad and sister. Now after seven years she moving back to her home town thinking everything is g...