Chapter 41

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A/N we are back in Claire and Sam's time. A few days after the training.

Claire's POV

Ding... ding... I got up and packed up my school supplies. Today is finally the last day of school and I couldn't be more happy, I'm finally going into my senior year and if everything go as plan, I'm going to stop being afraid and do what I've been wanting to do with Sam since the first day I met him. "So, do you have any idea what you going to do, to make Sam have sex with you" Sarah said while we walk out of the dressing room, for P.E. " Don't scream it. I don't really want the whole school to know that I want to get laid." I said while giving her the go to hell look. "You know, I'm still surprise you and him hadn't done it yet, I mean all those time catching you to kissing on the couch and he marked you three months ago. I'm surprise he, his wolf, and your wolf, hadn't convince you". She said while climbing up the bleachers. She talks about it like like it's one of our normal conversation.

"Sam, his wolf, and Snow knew I wasn't ready yet, not after what happened to me," I trailed off the last part, " but I'm ready now, it's time for me to stop being afraid, and stop letting fear control my life. Plus I love him." I smiled and sat down. Luckily the coach said we didn't have to do anything today, except dress out, since it was the last day. "You know," Sarah began, "It's been peaceful, especially without Brittany to ruin it." "That what worries me." Sarah gave me a confuse look. "The last time we saw Brittany she said she has a plan, a plan to get rid of me. Than she up a disappeared." Sarah gave me the 'ohh' face and turned around. "I'm sure she's not going to do anything." She said, trying to reassure me. I hope sure, but there's something about her that makes my stomach turn, and not in the good way.

After school

Once I pulled up to the house I saw Heaven sitting down on the porch. 'Great what does she want?' I thought. 'Be nice, I like her. She's way better than her sister.' Snow said, and she's right. Heaven is a lot nicer than Elizabeth. The image of that day when Elizabeth shot the arrow towards Sam crossed my mind and that made me remember way I don't want Elizabeth near me. I got to the porch and stopped with Sam behind me. His like me, he doesn't trust them, but I can tell Heaven is growing on him, but Elizabeth is a different story. "What do you want Heaven." I really don't have time to deal with her... especially today. "I need to speak with you... alone." I looked at Sam already knowing what his going to say. "Please." Heaven said. "Not going to happen" Sam growled. I looked at Heaven and I knew what ever she wants to tell me is important. "Just give me a moment." I told her while pulling Sam into the house.

"Not going to happen" Sam repeated, before I could even say a word. "Sam, please," I begged, "what ever she wants to tell me, it's important, I can tell." Sam looked at me a walked closer, "I don't want you by yourself with either one of them, not what happened the other day." I know he doesn't want me to be with them by myself at anytime, and I understand why. We don't know them, hell we don't even know how they knew about me, and I asked them many of time, and they wouldn't answer. I was about to say something else when an idea pop into my mind. I got closer to him and put my arms around his neck. Sam automatically grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. "I tell you what, if you let me speak to her, alone, than I will make it up to you." I whispered,  while slightly kissing his jaw. "Like how?" He growled seductively. I stood up on my tip toes and kissed him, knowing he got the message. It didn't take long until he stuck his tongue in my mouth, I quickly pulled back, knowing if I didn't I wouldn't be going  outside anytime soon. I backed away from him and walked to the door, I turned my head around a smiled at him.

I walked out the door and sat down on the steps beside Heaven, I know something's wrong with her, she feel sad and alone. "So, what do you want to talk about." I asked soothing my voice down. "Can we talk somewheres more private?" She asked, looking at me dead in the eyes. "Umm, yeah sure... follow me". I got up and started walking to the gym. Once we got there I closed the door and sat down beside Heaven.

"First off," she began, "I wanted to apologize about what happened the other day." "Well no one got hurt, so it's okay. I guess." I smiled at her and she returned it. "Is that all you wanted to say?" I asked. She shook her head no and took a deep breath, "I wanted to tell you our story, how me and Elizabeth became the way we are and why we are the white wolf protectors." "Okay, I'm listening..." "Well it happened a long time ago...".

I listened to her whole story and to tell you the truth it's kinda depressing. They never found their mates, except for Elizabeth but her mate rejected her. They have to live forever, never staying in one place only having each other. "That's why Elizabeth is the way she is, after Steph, she doesn't trust herself, or any white wolf, so she trains harder than she use too, have more discipline. And she uses things the white wolf love against her." "That's why she shot that arrow at Sam?" I asked/said. "Exactly, she just wanted you to use your powers, though she should've did somethimg else," she continued, "Look, i told you this stuff because, one, maybe you can trust us better and you will understand that Elizabeth doesn't want to be mean, she is still hurting."

I understand, if Sam rejected me or if something happened to him, I wouldn't be able to live without him. I heard Snow whine a little in my head, her also thinking of a life without Sam. "Okay, I'll try and be a little nicer, but if she threatens my life or Sam's, I will stop her." I said standing up. She shook her head and walked outside. "Love," I heard Sam mindlink me, it's still kinda weird, "you need to come outside." "Okay...". I replied, confused. I walked outside and followed his scent.

When I was closer, I saw Sarah with blood on her hands and shirt,  "Omg, Sarah, are you okay." I asked running up to her checking for any visible wounds. "I'm... I'm okay," she stuttered, "It's not my blood." Not her blood, than whose is it. I felt Sam's presence right behind me. "Sarah, whose blood is on you?" I asked, now afraid of the answer. "It's Matt's". She said. Matt... Matt... That's the third of command... That's Cassy's mate! "Sarah," I began getting closer, "where's my sister?" "She was there with him... I was taking a ran when I smelled all the blood... I got there and..." She stopped mid-sentence. I stumbled back, not believing what I was hearing, luckily Sam was behind me to catch me. "Don't... don't tell me she's dead" I stuttered, hating that I'm even saying that word. What if she is? I promise dad I would protect her, I can't fail him or her. "I brought her to the hospital-." That's all I had to here, I swift mid step and ran straight to the hospital, I knew Sam was following me, but right now I wasn't worried about anyone but Cassy.

I made it to the hospital in record time, I was about to swift when I remembered that I ripped my clothes coming here. How am I going to go into the hospital, I can't walk in in my wolf form and I can't walk in in my human form, Sam would not like that, nor would I. I heard walking behind then I smelled Sam's scent, I turned around to see him walking up to me with clothes in his mouth. He dropped them by my feet and Snow gently picked them up and we jogged behind a tree. Once I swifted back, I walked to see Sam and Sarah looking at me. I can see the sadness in his eyes, I just don't know if it's for me or losing his third, they was good friends. It's probably both. I turned away from him, knowing if I keep looking at him I will break down in tears.

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