Brittany looked at her with disbelief and got up and started running again, the coach came up to me and sat down next to me. “I saw what she did”, the coach was saying “ how's your shin?” she asked. “It's fine. Is that why you made her run an extra lap?” “What? No, she did need to run an extra lap, she was so focused on embarrassing you, she didn't know she only ran three”.
“ Well looks like she failed on two things”. I said. The coach looked at me confuse and I said, “ Embarrassing me and running a mile”. The coach smiled and said, “do you know that you ran a mile under ten minutes, it was close, you ran a mile at nine minutes and fifty seconds, that's fast”. “Thanks” I replied. “You should think about track” I smiled and said okay, knowing I’m not going to.
I looked at my shin to see the bleeding stopped. After everybody got done running we got dress again and sat down for the remaining period. I, Sarah, and Andrea were talking about what happened at the party yesterday. I tried to tell them it was no big deal but they wouldn’t listen. We stopped, or well they stopped talking when we heard someone clear their voice. We turn to the sound and see Brittany and her posé looking at us, or staring at us.
“What do you want” asking her but not really caring, “I’m calling you out”. I looked at her confused, she continued talking “after school at three thirty, behind the gym, we are gonna fight”. I looked at her seeing if she was trying to find a grin, but she was serious. “So let me get this right” I started saying, “you want to fight me, at three thirty behind the gym?” “Yes”. she said fast.“You have to do it”. I turned around to Andrea and asked “why” “Just do it”. “Fine, I’ll fight you”. She turns around and left.
All day all I heard was talk about this fight, Sam wasn’t very happy when he heard it, but he couldn’t do anything, it's like its a crime if I didn’t agree to it, or don’t show up. When school ended, I texted Cassy and dad that I’ll be late, and headed behind the gym, with Sarah and Sam beside me, Andrea said she’ll meet us there.
Once we got there, I saw pretty much the whole school in a circle, phones ready to record. Everybody moved when they saw me and I headed to the middle. I can tell Sam is regretting this and I am too for many reasons. “Claire stop,” I turned around to see Cassy running towards me, “don’t do it, you know what will happen if you fight”. She whispered the last part. I know what she means if I fight I can blackout. Last time I fought I put someone in the hospital, in a little coma. Luckily I was protecting myself so I didn’t get in trouble.
“I’ll be fine” I reassured, but I’m pretty sure I was trying to reassure me more than her. I can tell she didn’t agree but she didn’t argue, she just nodded her head and step back. I turn to Brittany to see her warming up, I chuckled a little bit but quickly put on a straight face.
Once three thirty hits, Brittany walked towards me, “Are you sure you want to do this” I asked while talking my leather jacket off, I always do that when I fight. “Ok here are the rules, no weapons, and we can not step out of this circle, we can not run away or ask for help”. I didn’t say anything cause in all my time fighting I never asked for help, to me if you ask for help or use a weapon you are a pussy.
She got in a fighting stance and I just stood there, waiting for her to throw the first punch. Once she realizes I wasn’t going to throw a punch, she did, square in the jaw. I didn’t fall, all I did was move my head because of the force. I wiped my mouth to see blood, only a little, she looked kinda shocked, she was probably expecting I was gonna fall down.
I smiled, she throws another punch which I easily block, as you can tell I'm on offense, for now. After a few blocks, I caught her fist with ease and put it down crushing it.

My Unknown Life
WerewolfClaire always dreamt on having a normal life but never had one. She grew up in a small town but moved to a city when she was ten with her stepmom and her dad and sister. Now after seven years she moving back to her home town thinking everything is g...