Chapter 1

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Three Pokémon were running for dear life through the vase forest. There was a Buneary, an Eevee, and a Fennekin. These weren't any normal Pokémon, they were very special. In fact, they weren't even real Pokémon. They were girls, cursed to become Pokémon, but with the curse comes a greater power.

Who were they running from? Hunters. Hunters that were sent to capture any of these cursed girls for their hidden power. They had managed to stay safe for years, but there were still risks and challenges that they went through. Such at now.

"Serena! May! Are you ok?" Dawn yelled to them, stopping for a moment.

"I'm here!" Serena huffed.

"Me too!" May squeaked, but was grabbed by one of the hunters.

"I got one!" Kenny called, holding the Eevee by the fluff of her neck.

"Let me go! That hurts!" May cried, but it was not heard by the hunters.

"Oh no!" Serena yelped.

"Quick, Serena, lets use a move!" Dawn hurried her.

The two then jumped, Dawn used ice beam on Kenny and Serena used Flamethrower to encircle the other two so they couldn't move. With all but Kenny's hand frozen, he dropped May. The three continued to run away, trying to find somewhere safe, for the hunters would stop at nothing until they were captured.

"Come on, we need to hurry!" Serena exclaimed.

They continued to run, but it seemed hopeless.

"Can we please stop for a second?" May begged.

"We can't. They will find us and capture us!" Serena argued.

They stopped a moment and continued to argue.

"But we're exhausted and hurt. I need a break." May grumbled.

"We can take a break when we get back to the sanctuary." Serena retorted. "Now let's go before we are-"

"Wait a second." Dawn interrupted. Both her bunny ears were up on alert and her eyes closed. "Do you feel that?"

Serena and May closed their eyes too.

"Yeah, I feel it." May replied. "Three pure hearts."

"Me too, but can we risk it? What if it doesn't work? Let's just go back to the sanctuary." Serena urged.

"But it's all the way on the other side of the forest. This might be our only chance and I'm going for it. Are you coming or not?" Dawn stated, sternly.

"I found them!" Gary yelled.

"Ok, ok! I'm in!" Serena screeched.

The three began to run again, this time a direction in mind.

Meanwhile, three more 'hunters' were out walking around the forest with Pokémon of their own. However, they were not happy about this hunting of these Pokémon. There was Ash with his best buddy Pikachu, Drew with his partner Absol, and Clemont with his little friend Shinx. These three did not like the concept of hunting Pokémon. They believed in befriending Pokémon and treating them as friends. Training together as equals, not hunting them for the sake of enslavement.

"I can't believe we got roped into this." Drew growled.

"I know, why do we have to do this anyway? This just isn't right." Ash agreed.

"I don't like this any more than you two, but if we don't, we will be in huge trouble. Who knows what the towns people would do to us? Especially if the king found out." Clemont gulped.

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