Chapter 9

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"Clemont are you ok?" Serena asked frantically, pealing herself from him to look him in the face.

"I...I'm fine..." Clemont was interrupted with a wince. He was just hit with the pain of the burn from the flamethrower attack on his arm.

"Oh my!" Serena shrieked in horror, covering her mouth with her hands. "I'm so sorry you got hurt."

"'s fine. It just hurts a little." Clemont fibbed. The burn hurt a lot, but he didn't want to but anymore strain on her. Especially, after all that had happened to her in such a short time. "It will heal...I hope." He whispered the last bit under his breath.

Serena frowned, not believing him. Seeing him hurt like this, because of her. It was heartbreaking.

"Here." Serena mumbled, her voice shaky. "Let me help you."

She placed her hands just above his wound and used her powers to heal the burn. Her hands shook as she healed him. Not from using her power, but from the thought of loosing him. What if she lost him?

"Wow. Thank you." Clemont marveled at the extent of her given powers. He met her gaze and was surprised to see tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

" could almost..." Serena stuttered, tears pouring free. She couldn't bring herself to finish the intended statement.

"But I didn't and thanks to you, I'm all healed up." Clemont remarked. He placed a hand on her cheek and used his thumb to attempt to wipe the tears away. She didn't look satisfied with his words. "Hey, I know we haven't known each other very long, but I care about you a lot. I would do anything for you, even if that means I get burned again. It would be worth it to keep you safe."

More tears had formed from his touching words. It made her heart swell with joy, just being there with him. She suddenly lunged forward and crashed her lips against his. Despite the shock, Clemont kissed her back, breaking her curse. In a bright flash of light, Serena was turned back to a normal girl. No powers, no ears or tail. Just her and her Pokémon partner, Fennekin.

Ursula stepped into the room with Iris and Trip trapped on opposite sides of the small room.

"Hello again." Ursula greeted with a sly smirk. Iris glared at her, not bothering to give a response. "Alright, no small talk. I'll get right to it then. Give up your powers or I'll be forced to hurt your friend here." She called out an Ursaring and motioned towards Trip. "Now, I don't have all day so either you give the power to me now or this will be the last you see of him."

"I...I..." Iris stammered. She didn't want to someone to be hurt, especially not him. But giving up her power was also a huge risk.

"Iris, don't! It's not worth it." Trip piped up.

Iris glanced at him a moment, then the large Pokémon before him, and finally back to Ursula.

"Tic toc!" Ursula hissed, holding out the orb. "You're time is up. Ursaring you know what to do."

Ursaring raised its arm and its claws began to glow. Trip stared up at the Pokémon, ready to accept his fate.

"No! Don't hurt him. I...will give you my power." Iris agreed.

"Iris, don't do it!" Trip urged.

Iris didn't listen, she shut her eyes and let her powers go. Ursula grinned, happy that this power was finally in her position. As her power drained, her Emolga ears and tail faded. Iris looked exhausted, like the life was drained out of her. Trip was forced to watch her wither.

"Thank you very much." Ursula marveled at the magic swirling in the orb. She turned to Trip. "I'll let you have your last moments. Ursaring, release them."

The Pokémon nodded and sliced through the chains freeing the two prisoners. The sorceress and the Pokémon left them alone. Trip was able to catch her before she hit the cold floor.

"Iris, please wake up." Trip shook her gently. "I'm beginning you."

"Trip..." Iris breathed, weakly.

"Iris! Stay with me! Please." Trip begged.

"I...can't..." Iris shook her head weakly.

Trip watched helplessly as the life left her eyes. He pressed his forehead against hers as a tears finally broke free. In a desperate plea, Trip planted a kiss upon her, in attempt to somehow save her. He knew it had little to no chance to save her, but he had to try. When he pulled back, the girl in his arms began to glow. His mouth hung open in shock, not knowing what to do or how to react. When the light went away, there was an Emolga napping next to her.

"Trip...Trip!" Iris shot up and hugged him. "You saved me...thank you."

"Of course. I couldn't just let you go. I love you." Trip admitted, hugging her back.

"I love you too." Iris cooed, holding tighter.

In yet another room, Dawn watched as Ash was brought in to join her. The second their eyes met, Ash shoved his way out of the knights grasp. He went for Dawn, but was stopped by a Weavile. Ash paused in his steps, wary of the Pokémon.

"Ash, watch out!" Dawn warned.

However it was too late, the knight took the opportunity and grabbed him once again, holding his arms behind his back.

"I was going to let you go once the girl gave up her power, but you just lost your chance of survival." The knight hissed into Ash's ear. Ash struggled for freedom, but could not escape this time. "Weavile, use Furry cutter."

"No!" Dawn shrieked in horror.

The Weavile's claws grew and turned bright white. The Pokémon jumped up and pulled its arms back, ready to unleash the attack. In a panic state, Dawn transformed into her Buneary form and jumped at at the Pokémon. However, her bounce attack was a few seconds to late. The furry cutter sliced over Ash's chest, mere seconds before Weavile was slung into the wall by bounce. She them used dizzy punch on the head of the knight and he dropped Ash.

"Why you little!" The knight growled, taking off his dented helmet.

While the knight was distracted, Dawn turned back to human form and took hold of Ash before teleporting out of the castle to a field of grass.

"Ash?" Dawn asked, once safe from the darkened kingdom.

She pulled back to fully look at him. She gasped in fright at the three large dark red gashes over his chest. Dawn shook her head to help focus. If she was going to save him, she had to act fast. She quickly got to work, summoning her powers to heal him before it was to late for him to come back. Her powers undid the damage that had been done. His eyes slowly fluttered open once she ceased the use of her power.

"Dawn? You're ok?" Ash asked, groggily. As he sat up, Dawn hugged him tight as tears began to slide down her face. "Dawn?"

"Don't ever do that again." Dawn sobbed into his chest. "I can't...I can't lose you. You mean the world to me...I don't know what I would do without you."

Ash pulled her back from his chest to met her wet gaze. "Hey, you don't have to worry about that right now. I'm right here." He gently cupped her face, in awe of her delicate beauty, even when crying. "But, I can't promise that it won't happen again, because you mean so much to me too, Dawn. I love you."

Dawn sprang forward, unable to contain herself any further and kissed him. Although it was quick and Ash barely had the time to kiss her back, the message was still crystal clear.

"I love you too, Ash." Dawn chirped.

With those words spoken, Dawn was engulfed in a bright light. Separating her from her Pokémon partner.

To be continued...

The Pokégirls curseWhere stories live. Discover now