Chapter 4

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Meanwhile in Drew's tent, May had turned into her eevee form and was also telling Drew about the curse.

"Is there a reason the curse was put on you and your friends?" Drew asked.

"They said it was revenge...for how our families treated Pokémon...but...I think it was something else. I don't know what, but something else. All of our families treated their Pokémon so well. We were even given a Pokémon to take care of. Dawn got a Buneary...Serena got a Fennekin...and I..." May trailed off.

"So, you were cursed to be the Pokémon you cared for." Drew concluded.

"Yes. We have been stuck like this for years. Since we were 7." May replied.

"How old are you now?" Drew asked, although he assumed she was around his age.

"17...all of us are." May answered.

"You have been like this for 10 years...have you tried to break the curse? Is there a way to break it?" Drew questioned.

"Yes." May sighed. "But it's not that simple...especially in times like this."

"What do you mean?" Drew pondered.

"The five of us...we have tried to break the many times that I've lost count. The only way to break the curse is for a someone with a good heart to love us. Both sides, the Pokémon and the girl...but ever time we think we found our Prince Charming...they run away when they find out we are cured." May responded sadly.

"I'm so sorry May. I can't imagine going through something like that." Drew sympathized.

"No I can't imagine you would. I'm sure girls just throw themselves at you." May teased.

"You're not wrong." Drew flipped his green hair.

May giggled causing Drew to smile. "You are the only boy who hasn't run away from me when found out. Why didn't you?"

"Maybe I'm the one who is supposed to break the curse." Drew joked, causing them to laugh.

"Maybe." May muttered under her breath. She then continued to tell him of their situation.

In Clemont's tent, Serena was pacing in her Fennekin form, telling him about the curse too.

"So, you have been cursed for years in a Pokémon body and you don't know why?" Clemont concluded after hearing her story. Serena nodded. "Where have you been staying all this time? What happened to your parents?"

"There are these three sorceresses that created a magic sanctuary full of Pokémon. We have been staying there for a while." Serena replied. "I want to get there as soon as I can, because I know it's safe. As for our parents...I don't know. There is so much mystery with this curse. Why us? Why this curse?" Serena paused, realizing she was rambling. "Sorry...I didn't mean to ramble... and...I'm sorry for running away, I was just desperate...and afraid."

"It's ok. I understand. I would be scared too. But you know, after all that you have been through over these years, I'd say your really strong. Not just because your a Pokémon, but because you have made it this far and are still going. It's really admirable. The kingdom could learn from that. I know I could." Clemont stated.

Serena's mouth hung open in surprise. No one had ever thought so highly of her. Not even herself. Serena let herself hope, just a little bit, that after all these years, Clemont was the one to break her curse.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me." Serena beamed.

Clemont smiled and nodded, unaware of how much his words actually meant to her.

The Pokégirls curseWhere stories live. Discover now