Chapter 10

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Paul and Ursula met in a lower level of the castle, each with a powered orb in hand. They smirked, satisfied with their combined victory and waited for the knights to deliver their own prize. However, much to the young king and witch's frustration they came forth empty handed.

"You're highness, I apologize but...the girl escaped." One knight informed.

"What? how could you lose her? They were locked up. I should have your head for this!" Paul hissed. "Do we still have the prisoners?"

"I'm afraid not. The girls took them...wherever they disappeared off to." The knight explained.

Paul was livid. He needed as much of this power as he could get. Without it, he could not achieve his goal returning his Brother. Though he would never willingly admit that aloud.

He turned to the other two knights who had just entered. "What about you? Did you fail me as well?" Paul questioned, his tone dark and cold.

"Sir, it was not our fault." The knight tried to defend.

"They have powers that are stronger then we anticipated." The last knight added.

"Really? Then how do I have this?" Paul growled, holding up the orb that shimmered with magical powers. "How did the all powerful Pokégirls alluded you so easily? How was I, a teenager, able to complete this one task, but not three trained knights?"

"Paul." Ursula stated, calling him back to the task at hand.

"What?" Paul snapped, turning sharply to her.

"Even though it is not all, we have enough to accomplish what we want. Let us not waste valuable time." Ursula replied, unaffected by his harsh tone.

"Right." Paul sighed.

The two turned to walk to another section of the castle, where they would commence with their plans. Though in a hurry, they stopped when they felt the floor beneath their feet begin to shake. They exchanged a slight panicked look, wondering what the cause for this disturbance was. The power in the orbs suddenly expanded to much for the artifact to handle and it shattered in their grasp. Small specks of glass littered the floor as the magical power that they had collected, now disappeared into nothingness.

"No!" Ursula shirked in disbelief. "This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"What is the cause of this!" Paul demanded, expecting an answer that no one could give him.

The ground shook harder which caused Paul to fall onto Ursula. Although he tried to catch himself, their lips touched for a moment in the process, but that moment was long enough. They kissed, again and again and again, feeling a spark of something unfamiliar, but extremely pleasant. Little did they know, it was true loves kiss.

Meanwhile, just outside the castle there was a wonderful sight to behold. The dazzling sun light cracked through the dark thick clouds. Then in a huge wave of colorful light illuminated the sky, riding it of the dark gloom that hovered over. The ground shook ruffly from the abrupt explosion of light.

The guardians and former hunters awed at the wonderful sight. They smiled, truly grateful to have witnessed it and that the splendor of the kingdom was back to the glorious place it once was.

"The curse has been broken." Brianna declared, clasping her hands together. They group looked to her a moment, processing what she had said then turned back to the sight. "This...right here, is the true power of love. Nothing could be so stunning otherwise. They have done it...and I couldn't be happier for them."

Soon, Misty, Marill, Tracey, Iris, Emolga, and Trip emerged from the castle. May, Eevee, Drew, Dawn, Buneary, Ash, Serena, Fennekin and Clemont also joined them and marveled at the reborn beauty of the kingdom.

With the dark curse broken, all the girls parents and the true throned king, Reggie, were returned to the land. Things returned to the happy atmosphere before the curse took place, but thankfully not everything stayed the same.

Reggie took over as king once again, which Paul was grateful for. As a result, Paul was able to focus on things he desired, or rather a special person. Him and Ursula had officially become a couple and Ursula finally understood. She understood why her fellow sorceresses left when they found it, for there was nothing greater.

The families were welcomed back and their homes and places of business were quickly built back up. Of course they 5 families where happy, but they still had 10 years to make up with their daughters. Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, and Serena happily reconnected with their parents. Tracey, Drew, Ash, Trip, and Clemont were also instantly welcomed into the family without question. None of them would be so happy otherwise.

As time went on, the late teens grew closer, falling deeply in love with each passing day. Even though the girls were now normal, none of the guys would change a thing. Not for a second.

Within a few years, they were married. Each one was a marvelous and truly memorable wedding. As of late, they all have kids of their own running around. Despite the years, they all made it a priority to keep in touch with each other, well after they had their kids. With time, they too were able to watch their children grow and blossom.

As for the Guardians, the three of them reformed the Pokémon paradise, but no longer live within it. Instead, they too started a family with their own destined true love. They may not have had huge weddings, but that did not in anyway diminished their love for each other. With time, they had children of their own to look after and some took after their magical mother. Which was a rather fun challenge, especially for the non magic fathers. The guardians also managed to stay in touch with the main group, living happily alongside the other.

So this has been the tale of the Pokégirls curse and how true love not only broke the curse, but lifted the hearts of even the villains of this story.


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